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Episode 111 - Why Narcissism Is Our National Mental Disorder

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If you go back one hundred or even fifty years ago to ask kids what they wanted when they grew up, they'd say they wanted to have families and to have good jobs. Now when you ask that question to kids the resounding answer is, "to be famous." Not to be a famous actor or a famous musician or athlete, just to be famous. And in our culture being famous is an easy reality. There are real Twitter and Vine and Instagram celebrities, but in a way we're all the star of our own curated reality show, broadcast over Facebook updates and Snapchat stories. We have a word for this kind of self-aggrandizing behavior-narcissism-but sometimes we use that word to mean "asshole" or "jerk" when there's an actual clinical meaning behind it that's much more complicated than the informal insult. Narcissism is a diagnosable condition that statistically only 1% of the population has. But why does it seem people are becoming more self-obsessed, more vain, more arrogant? In this week's episode, Jack O'Brien and Jason Pargin (aka David Wong) flesh out the theory that narcissism has become our cultural status quo. They discuss the differences between clinical narcissism and our colloquial version of the word; how Hitler, Trump, Jobs and countless other celebrities were certified narcissists; and how narcissism plays a part in Harry Potter and the new Star Wars.


Articles Referenced in this Episode:


The Last Psychiatrist on narcissism as a generational pathology: http://goo.gl/AsODT


David Wong's article on the Monkeysphere: http://goo.gl/x15H


Pictures of Hitler in 1925 rehearsing his speeches in front of a mirror: http://goo.gl/Iqz8UQ


Tony Zhou on 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens': https://goo.gl/307L9G


The full version of 'My Dinner with Andre' on YouTube: https://goo.gl/mr8YFm

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Several comments here, but before I get started, Love the site- I've read/listened for years.I should also say that I'm a primatologist with a doctorate and I'm a lady. Shocking, but I am a lady Cracked reader/podcast listener. We totally exist, but I digress.


First, a group of monkeys is generally referred to as a troop. We also call them groups, or more specifically, social or natal (meaning they were born into it) groups.


Second, Jason is kinda correct about Dunbar's number, but it is a (likely necessary for podcasting) grand oversimplification. Generally the size of the neocortex (a small glob at the front of your brain responsible for a lot of what makes you, YOU) correlates to the overall size of a social group. This doesn't necessarily translate to greater intelligence overall. You have to consider the size of the neocortex in relation to the brain as a whole. Humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, and capuchins all have similar neocortex/brain mass ratios.


Keeping social tabs is ESSENTIAL to living in a cooperative society. Humans are way more cooperative than they are selfish and divisive, regardless of what old Ayn Rand wanted to think. We despise cheaters and rule breakers. We'd rather pay to punish the deceivers than profit from their gains...well, most of us....in theory at least. Fact of the matter is, there will always be Trumps*** and Cheneys, Coulters, Khans, Dr. Lauras, Putins, and Hearsts. You can thank Jeebus that those douche nozzles are actually in the minority! Other true fact, we can accomplish WAY more working as a team than we can being selfish, violent, pricks. We've probably missed the cure to cancer or to cold fusion because we were blinded by greed, or its uglier cousin, tribalism. Tribalism is greed on behalf of the self and that which gives the self identity.


**this list is a random assortment of oxygen thieves that are not ranked nor should be considered equivalent in terms of intelligence or sheer evil inflicted upon the earth.


People are good because most people believe they are acting out of good intentions with a pure heart. The road to hell is paved with good intentions because what is pure and good for one is disgusting and evil for another. First we need to get on the same page as to what good and evil are, or if they even really exist. In the mean time, just try not to be a jerk to people and communicate your needs and boundaries with diplomacy and honesty. When in doubt be kind, be patient, don't forget to breathe out.


The take home message is this episode is on the nose about the need for real social connections. Our true contentment is rooted in the contentment and happiness of those around us. There needs to be a change. HOWEVER, the second part to this message should be that people are generally good. You should give them more credit. They can be taught. They can evolve.


Oh, and sweet merciful McGillicutty....MONKEYS HAVE TAILS (even if they are stumpy) APES DO NOT!


Apes = humans, bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans

Monkeys = capuchins, baboons, macaques


I'm a nerd and realize most of you don't give a shit. Monkey is a way better word aesthetically and in an audiovisual sense...maybe primatologists need to evolve.

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This is such a small quibble, but having grown up religious, I felt compelled to (for the first time ever) comment:


I disagree with Jason and religion. I think the rituals might be designed to decouple the brain from narcissism, but if you look at the reality of the situation, religion or its establishments encourage mythologizing of your suffering, which increases narcissism. Some of the worst narcissists I know are some of the most dedicated church people.


And I think he did say that authority abuses the humility-centered aspects of religion, but if the religion itself is so humble, please point to the period in history where the religion was known for its humble practitioners. Maybe the first 100 years after Jesus' death, but then church fathers start materializing and super duper murdering everyone who believes slightly different. Muhammad's own ascent to power is characterized by a string of successful military campaigns, and then his death is instantly punctuated by intense infighting about correct interpretation, none of which do not speak to narcissism. The Fundamental forms of both religion are both sizable and, arguably, the most vocal. They both emphasize the practitioner's persecution at the hands of others and the importance of correct belief and sense of superiority over none believers and even those that believe incorrectly.


But nevertheless, Cracked Podcast surprised me with how good it is. I eagerly await it and Harmontown every week.

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