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Episode 113 - We Finally Solved the Dog vs. Cat Debate

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Ever since we started letting friendly wolves and tiny tigers into our homes a few thousand years ago, society has been split into two camps: dog people and cat people. Sometimes the battle lines are drawn across gender lines; the term cat-lady evokes an image in your head in a way cat-man doesn't. We use the word dog to colloquialize a sly, rakish man. Often we choose sides purely based on what our parents allowed in the house when we were kids.


But rarely we stop to consider all the crazy superpowers our pets have: like how dogs can read human emotions better than other humans can, and how a cat's purr can improve your bone density.


Recorded live at the UCB Sunset Theatre in Los Angeles, Team Dog (Jack O'Brien, Dan O'Brien, Cody Johnston), Team Cat (Carmen Angelica, Jake Weisman) and Team Turtle (Alex Schmidt) go back and forth with rarely-known facts about the pets we keep at home to decide who is the ultimate victor in this war that has been waged for millennia. Team Cat will blow up the way you think about the gender binary, and we may decide after it all that the best pet to have is a pig.



Proof that Cats Destroy the Ecosystem: http://goo.gl/6UB35

Cats' Purring Improves Bone Density: http://goo.gl/B4Dr0e

Pigs Have Higher IQs than Dogs, Chimps: http://goo.gl/92xdEr

Why Dogs Look at the Right Side of Your Face: http://goo.gl/VN3p3J

Cat Owners More Likely to Have Advanced Degree: https://goo.gl/PirgYj

Toxoplasma Gondii's Effect on Humans: http://goo.gl/Cg0TX5

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I'm a longtime cat owner/lover. I was partial to both as a kid, but have grown to greatly prefer cats over dogs. I do find that much of my dislike of dogs now comes less from the animals themselves though, and more from owners who are overly indulgent and have bloated senses of entitlement. People who violate rules in public places because heaven forbid they leave their dogs at home for a few hours or leash them outside of a restaurant that doesn't allow animals. I can't respect someone who bends over backwards to accommodate their pets in that way. Cat people are characterized as bizarre people who obsessively dote on their pets, but how many cat people have you seen pushing their cats in strollers like they're babies, or carrying them around in their purses versus dog people who do those? It strikes me as unhealthy to anthropomorphize your pet like that. I love my cats, but I like them because they're CATS who do funny CAT things, and I respect them as CATS.

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