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Tyler Perry movies

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Would a bunch of white people watching a Tyler Perry movie miss the point, or would they be good fodder for critique?

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I'm surprised a Tyler Perry movie hasn't been featured yet. I do understand there is a mental trauma that goes along with viewing any god awful peice of celluloid feces that Mr. Perry churns out, but I feel like there is some prime H.D.T.G.M. material in there. One in particular, which I had the misfortune of suffering through, is "Madea Goes To Jail". Holy fucking shit that film is absolute bananas. The first forty-five to fifty minutes is literally just one confrontation after another between Madea, and a random stereotypical white character. Including a scene where Madea demolishes a lady's car, solely for parking in what Madea deems to be, exclusively, her parking space at a supermarket. She doesn't even go to jail until an hour into the movie, and she's out twenty minutes later. Also, there are several subplots introduced during her ridiculously short prison stay, that are completely abandoned. Upon her release, it's as if the audience is supposed to think, "Well Madea got out of prison, so I guess everything is fine". And like every one of Tyler Perry "comedy" films, there is a completely out of place, melodramatic subplot, straight out of a bad soap opera. Which I'm sure is added, just to make it standard running time. If anything people should see this film, just so the same mistake is never made again, I don't think my fragile psyche can take another Madea film.

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