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I really sorry about this

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Gender is important in film, having developed female characters is important just because a movie is directed by a dude or from one's POV doesn't mean it's okay to just fill the background with stock female characters. Women are people and they should be treated with as much respect and detail as any character. Movies are not made for male audiences and it would be nice to have the luxury of ignoring when female character fall flat but if you're the girl or woman watching the movie that shit is annoying as hell. As someone who grew up on a steady diet of genre and exploitation and had to constantly work to justify my love of it and then on top of that have to deal with shitty male fans of said thing being patronizing and sleazy, I care a lot about what the female characters in a movie look like. I care for myself and I care for the younger versions of me.


This is more of a rant than a topic but feel free to chime in even if you think I'm completely wrong. I'm going to go make some tea and listen to some riot grrrl. I promise to be less explosive after a quick session of slow breathing.

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I feel like perhaps you took my comment and interpreted it as me saying that I don't think it's important to discuss gender inequality, as if I don't think that's a huge problem that deserves to be talked about, but you're absolutely right and it is important. I can't know what you went through as a female fan trying to find representation that you can recognize yourself in, but I didn't mean to make you feel as if that point of view is invalid. I just really think it's important to recognize that Pennies From Heaven is a terribly bland and ineffectual movie, and that I feel like we're giving it too much consideration on both sides, and it's all thrown out of balance because 'Re-Animator' is in The Canon. I apologize if my comments came out in a way that hurt your feelings, or that came across in away that's disingenuous or flagrantly wrong-footed. I'll certainly try to really just pause and write out my thoughts more clearly, sometimes i just allow my emotions to color how i communicate, and I've been working on it.

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It was less that you hurt my feelings and more that you accidentally hit on the exact thing that I was talking about. It's really incredibly frustrating to feel like someone doesn't care about something that is extremely important to you. I don't think Pennies From Heaven is bland and I realize that my point is entirely subjective while you've decided to play your opinion as cut and dry fact. I know that what you said was not interpreted as what you intended. Maybe your words hit so hard because they struck a nerve that is constantly being irritated. I was mostly being snarky in my response with only a tinge of actual anger under the surface. It just seems like there is a trend when we're discussing movies like this one for someone to swoop in and say something subjective as if it were true and end the conversation. I'm sorry to drag this out and I promise I'm not sitting here typing this with some kind of vengeance in my mind. I just really want to maybe check that reaction and talk about it because I think there is fault on both sides.

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It just seems like there is a trend when we're discussing movies like this one for someone to swoop in and say something subjective as if it were true and end the conversation.


This is just how most people express their opinions on the internet, mak, I wouldn't get too terribly upset about it. Nobody ever actually "wins" a discussion; it either goes on for an embarrassingly long time or somebody walks away. If you've expressed your point of view clearly then that's all you really have to worry about. People will misinterpret you, ignore you, say the same things over and over again etc. etc. At the end of the day people don't remember that stinger sentence someone threw in at the last minute, but they will remember how you handled yourself. You say you think a movie is good, they say a movie is bad, and you're all dead even at the end of the day. It doesn't matter if they expressed their opinion as fact or not.


I do get where you're coming from though. I was involved in some epic flame wars in my early twenties. I'm just glad all that predated twitter and facebook.

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I can definitely concede to what you're getting at, and recognize my own fault at contributing to what you're describing. I'm actually really glad that you made this post, and I hope more people come on here and read what you have to say see themselves likewise gently checked. I greatly look forward to reading more of what you have to say as this show and these forums continue to grow and become more animated. I get on here so intermittently, and sometimes- and more often than i should like or realize- i really do take my own opinion too seriously, and proselytize it as if I'm Luke Skywalker or something. You should see me debate my co-worker, he's a huge movie buff too and he's also staunchly hard right conservative, and our differing viewpoints clash so virulently and so cantankerously that I've literally walked away a flaming, roiling, and abrasive asshole. I try really hard not get like that, but I get in my own way *way* too often. I was listening to Hamilton with a significant other recently, an she so called me out for basically having Alexander Hamilton's personality as presented in that musical. Thank you for checking me, before I wreck me.

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I can definitely identify with stomping away from an argument completely blusteringly inflamed. We're all here because we love movies and I appreciate that we were able to discuss and settle diplomatically. I have a tendency to stir up argument especially when it concerns something I'm passionate about. Thank you for not completely ignoring my concerns. I'm sure we have more in common than is dissimilar.

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