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The Locusts (1997)

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This movie has a lot of the elements I enjoy in a good bad movie:

1) Lots of actors that went on to the big time before they were famous (Vince Vaughn, Ashley Judd, Paul Rudd, Jeremy Davies)

2) An appropriately shamelessly sleazy plot. From its Wiki page:


Clay Hewitt (Vince Vaughn) is a drifter who wanders into a small Kansas town and quickly becomes popular. Soon after arriving he punches out the local town drunk, falls in love with local beauty Kitty (Ashley Judd), and is hired on the local feed ranch, owned by the alcoholic widow Delilah (Kate Capshaw). Delilah is notorious for her attraction to younger men, and allows Clay to stay in her estate's carriage house. Her son, Flyboy (Jeremy Davies), has recently returned from a mental hospital and hasn't said a word to anyone other than his pet bull. Clay slowly breaks Flyboy out of his shell, which unleashes a complex turn of events.

3) If you clicked the above link for the Wikipedia page on this movie you saw it has a section titled BULL CASTRATION CONTROVERSY. Which may be the greatest Wikipedia section title ever created and worthy of inclusion on this podcast by itself.



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