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Bon Cop Bad Cop (2006)

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They just did Megaforce at the Just for Laughs comedy festival in Montreal and that is certainly a good film for the podcast, but I hope they will consider doing the relentlessly crazy Canadian buddy cop film Bon Cop Bad Cop, in which English and French detectives (Colm Feore and Patrick Huard) must investigate the death of a guy who is dropped from a plane and lands on the sign dividing the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. It leads to a quintesentially Canadian bad guy whose murder spree is caused by a hockey trade. On the way there is a lot of Anglophone/Francohone dark comedy, especially for those who know about Quebec separatism and the FLQ. The film was quite successful domestically but they took over a decade to make a sequel.

If the team goes back to Just For Laughs, I hope they will consider doing this one or another equally weird Canadian film, like Foolproof with Ryan Reynolds.

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