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Suggestion: multi-time guests bring their own charts.

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I had this idea: After a guest has made three or more appearances traditional Who Charted games don't work anymore since you already know everything about the guest. Case in point the most recent PFT episode.


So I was thinking when a guest has been on so many times why not ask them to bring their own personal chart instead of a game? OR make it a game that the guest is moderating for Kulap and Howie to play. A bit of chart switcheroo.


I think this could work because you're not asking every guest to come up with their own chart. You're only asking this of multi-time returning guests who know how Who Charted works. Guests could supply charts like "Top five shows sitting in my DVR" or "Top 5 best stand up shows in my career." Then Kulap and Howard follow up with questions about the guest's entries.

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