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Episode 57 — Dixie

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Andrew Ti and Gabe Liedman throw down the gabble and call racist on anything having to do with Dixie. They talk about why a caller should call their dog anything but Dixie, how the lyrics to the song “Dixie” are super racist, and Gabe wonders why there were no slavery scenes in the film Lincoln. We’ll let you know what is racist or not by calling us at (323) 389-RACE.

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I thought it was stranger that Frederick Douglass wasn't in Lincoln, since he was so heavily involved in that process. The entire movie takes place in Washington, DC, so that there weren't any slaves around made sense. But leaving Douglass out bugged me.


Also, maybe Gabe just wasn't paying very close attention, but the movie is PG-13 and includes some pretty bloody scenes, including one where a soldier has his leg amputated, fields of dead bodies, etc.

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