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About TerryWilliams

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    New Zealand
  1. Let's agree to disagree if that's alright with you? Oh, it isn't? In that case, I am out of ideas and paradoxes.
  2. The premis of Star Trek was to boldly go where no man had gone before, in a well-constructed starship & a poorly constructed sentence.
  3. Movies would have us believe men should be cool & women should be hot. Therefore, at best, movie romances are room temperature.
  4. A wise man said u should work smarter not harder, or to quote Daft Punk fully, "Work smarter not HarderBetterFasterStronger". That wise man was Kanye.
  5. It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel a tingling and spreading numbness in my left arm.
  6. 'Castaway' might have been less entertaining if Wilson was a bowling ball but I bet you'd watch a volleyball game played with a bowling ball.
  7. Victims of a Ponzi scheme may well have been unwise but victims of a Fonzie scheme were almost certainly uncool.
  8. If ever you struggle to seal a parcel, consider the greater degree of difficulty involved in parcelling a seal.
  9. Always finish on a high. That's high as in positive, not hi as in hello. The former is motivational; the latter prompts suspicion of dementia.