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About shahruz

  • Rank
    Earwolf Friend
  • Birthday 08/02/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    Hollywood, CA
  1. Go vote for the Earwolf app at The Comedy Awards! I made that thing on my own as a 18 year old kid in my college apartment! It is absolutely insane to be nominated! You should go vote for it so it can win! http://thecomedyawards.com/categories/viewers-choice/comedy-app/
  2. Hi, This was a bug in the app, due to HDTGM's unique .5 numbering system. It's been fixed in an update that is currently available on iTunes. So just go to your app store and hit update. Sorry about this! It was fixed as soon as it was reported a couple weeks ago. Thanks!
  3. shahruz

    Shameless :(

  4. shahruz

    Superman 3 Live Video?

    Not sure how it mysteriously was unlisted in the store. You can get to it here: http://store.earwolf.com/pages/how-did-this-get-made-ep-24 I'll work on getting it back up in the store, thanks for the heads-up.
  5. Hi Lee, Scott answered your question in the forum topic for the latest episode: http://www.earwolf.com/forums/topic.php?id=2911&page=2#post-12660
  6. @grumpy squirrel that was my favorite version too until i heard the way he does it live:
  7. shahruz

    Holiday Special with PFT

    They're both technically through PayPal, one just gives you the option to use an existing login, the other uses PayPal for credit card processing. We get the same amount regardless of which you choose. Thanks!!
  8. shahruz

    Does anyone else think Eardrop should autoplay?

    This is something we thought about, but ultimately decided that because a lot of people will be clicking in from Twitter, most of them being first time users, autoplaying would just be annoying to people who don't really know what Eardrop is. We may implement autoplay when the referring page is already in eardrop.fm (for people clicking around on the website who know what Eardrop is), and maybe a setting somewhere once we have login/record functionality on the website. Thanks for the suggestion David.
  9. it's room 2: 'the sunset lab'
  10. shahruz

    Episode 4 — improv4humans

    @gle urg We're trying something new out with this. The idea is that Earwolf Presents has a large built-in audience that's already subscribed, that's open to sampling anything Earwolf puts out. So by putting out first episodes on the Earwolf Presents feed, it gets huge exposure. We'll be adding an improv4humans show page to Earwolf soon, but you can subscribe now via iTunes here: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=479820088. We'll add episode 1 to that feed a minute before episode 2 comes out, so people aren't redownloading it automatically and getting annoyed. Hope this makes sense!
  11. shahruz

    I miss...

    stay tuned.
  12. shahruz

    Episode 3 — Gelmania

    oh no... anyone know the best way to COMPLETELY take something off the internet?
  13. shahruz

    Episode 38 — Who Is Steve Heisler?

    @Tom The feed should be accessible at http://earwolf.com/feed. It's probably a good idea to have it in the sidebar there though.
  14. shahruz

    Earwolf podcast art in iTunes not downloading

    I'll look into it KC. Sorry about that!
  15. shahruz


    @Syn Give it a rest. You've made your point multiple times, often insulting Scott's guests along the way. There's ways of expressing your opinion without resorting to that (as Matt Shepherd did in another post). Hopefully you take my reply constructively and find ways to express your opinion in a different way, or I'll have to remove you from the forum, as we're not cool with the idea of personal insults being thrown at our guests from our own forums.