I used to work security at a place surrounded by group homes full of crazy people and such. So I once had an old deaf crazy lady throw a used diaper at me, a guy getting so drunk he called the cops on himself, a crazy dude memorizing the entire Hitler speeches in German and shouting them in the middle of the street daily, a crazy lady giving a dude a blowjob behind a Subway(the sandwhich place) the day after Christmas, oh and about four days ago a very drunk man wandered into my new security site offering me a job that it turns out is an actual real job worth fifty grand a year(which is a lot more than I make now). I might be able to record my voice with something or other, if anybody is actually interested in the stories(though I have a monotone so really you all could read my stories better than I could ever say them). Might have some other ones as well, if I think about it more. Those are just the ones that stand out.