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Everything posted by RanRan

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Flying Burrito Brothers were so good. "Hot Burrito #2" is one of my all-time favorite songs. #1 gets all the credit, but I really think #2 is better. Here are three albums I've been listening to a lot lately. Links are to streams of each album. Warm Soda - Someone for You Their first and the the better of the two they've released so far, but the third one, which comes out in May, is also very very good. Royal Trux - Twin Infinitives One of the most notoriously "difficult" albums of all time, it is also one of the sexiest. Ausmuteants - Order of Operations I don't have a link to a stream of this, but here are . I think this was one of the three best albums of last year, along with Neil's Generator by Mordecai and Poor People Are Revolting by the Gotobeds. (Ha ha, I got five in there!)
  2. I am so sorry sir, will rectify ASAP.
  3. Oh, I've heard such good things about Primitive Hearts! That's too bad they broke up.
  4. MBOP do you live inside the TV show Party Down?
  5. I wish I could! Fe Fi Fo Fums are one of the bands I most regret never seeing in the last 10 years. Practicing my dialogue for when I introduce myself to Cool Ghouls. Me: Hey, I heard you Cool Ghoul fools are friends with Staz! Them: Who? Me: Anastahhhsia Vigo! Them: What? Me: Anastasia Vigo. Them: Oh yeah, she's so great! How do you know her? Me: We both listen to a podcast.
  6. Yes, we are playing with them at a Burger Records thing! I'm excited to check them out.
  7. THANKS GUYS!! I guess I am technically in three bands. 6 of the shows are for the Zoltars. (Vinyl here!) 1 is for the children's project that is just the Zoltars playing different songs. Shaft City and the Ballz are playing no shows because I kicked out the guitarist for being a sexist jerk and now we have to teach somebody new all the songs.
  8. I am playing 7 shows in the next 12 days! No live streams, but I'll tell you what you can stream, and that is our new album. Feel free to listen repeatedly, purchase on iTunes and/or vinyl, tell all your friends, post on your very popular music blog, etc.
  9. Can I be number 1 tall girl or did somebody already take it?
  10. Joe, I tried to watch but it was too quiet and I couldn't hear it. The faces you were making were good though.
  11. This was a fantastic episode. Can't wait to play Fight Haver (Fast Drive.) Not really a video gamester but nerds is cool now so I'll do what I have to. Popcorn Gallery was great and good job to everybody for not asking name-based questions, even though you could have said Kumail Orangutan. Also got to feel smug when we were all told to have our parents listen to the show, because my mom is the only person I've been able to convince to listen. Speaking of which -- what episode do you guys use to try to get people to listen? I feel like I have to pick exactly the right one. Hayes and Sean please have that guy on who Veebs wants so I don't have to be named WalkWalk. Thanks in advance.
  12. Good choices, Cindy. "What do you think will happen if I shove a fork into this toaster?" Frank asked. Frank was a squirrel. "I don't know. Let's both try it at the same time and see," said Jamal. Jamal was also a squirrel. They did it and they both got electrocuted and died. Everyone else in their social circle acted very sad about it but secretly felt a little relieved because Frank and Jamal had been very mean squirrels.
  13. Kumail, I saw your set at FunFunFun Fest in November. It was great and you were very funny! Why didn't you watch my set? Why is Franklin and Bash always on at the gym?
  14. Look, man. It's not that hard. Here's what you do. 1. Listen to every episode of Hollywood Handbook, starting with #1. 2. After you finish each episode, go on the forums and read the thread for that episode, start to finish. This can take a while so you might want to do it at work. If your job doesn't let you do that, find a different job. 3. Listen to every episode of Reality Show Show, starting with #1. 4. After you finish each episode, go on the forums and read the thread for that episode, start to finish. 5. Watch all the hangouts. 6. Remember all the details of everything you have heard and read. That's it! Follow those steps, and you'll be throwing around some "vibes, Andy?"s in no time.
  15. As an official Music Critic, please allow me to submit my expert opinion that the Popcorn Gallery theme is actually a VERY GOOD song. American Diaper, I hope you can take this as a learning opportunity. The Popcorn Gallery theme was also crucial to one of my favorite parts of this episode, when it was sung live and everyone agreed how fun that was.
  16. Hey brgrho, does brgr skamp have your endorsement or is she(?) some sort of ripoff artist?
  17. Man, I wanna do a hangout sometime (not this time) and see all y'all's faces. I won't say anything to disrupt. I'll just sit and watch silently. It'll be really cool and respectful and not creepy at all.
  18. Can't even explain how happy I was to hear that Smoothies ad. I have needed razors for weeks, but without a Hollywood Handbook razor promo code, I've been forced to order Loot Crate and hope it comes with something sharp enough to drag against my skin and scrape the hair off. And how smart and clever of the boys to repeatedly insist that the promo code was Hollywood, even instructing us to write that down, when in fact that's not a working promo code at all! Can't wait for the treasure hunt that will lead me to the real Smoothies promo code for Hollywood Handbook. I have a suspicion that it might be the same as that other promo code, but I guess I'll have to wait to find out.
  19. No, you're totally right. I want to say it includes mythological names as well? Zeus', etc.
  20. Though I disagree with your stance, this was a great post. I keep forgetting to post my opinion on this: names that end in an s should be made possessives by adding an postrophe and another s, as far as I'm concerned, largely because it's just simpler and it doesn't make sense to me to create an exception to this rule. (The thing about Biblical names is confusing and frustrating to me.) I agree that confusion is unlikely, but I dunno...it just looks neater to me. Hayes's. More importantly, I can't believe that Mean Detective is betraying his city by breaking from the CMOS.
  21. RanRan

    Oh, you drunks.

    Sweet Brewers hat
  22. On Tuesday night I was waiting for my friend at a bar and overheard a girl at the next table name-dropping Harris Wittels. I was surprised for a second, and then I remembered that he is an actual famous person. I can see a similar attitude in a lot of people's reactions. He was one of the funniest people I've ever heard, so much so that everything he did felt very special and personal to me. I think he had that effect on a lot of people, and that's part of why this is so hard to take. The other part, of course, is that it really felt like he had so much left to do. Obviously he'd done an incredible amount for his age, but it still felt like the best was yet to come. When that girl at the bar name-dropped him, her friends were like "Who?" and I remember thinking, "You'll know who he is soon." And now he's not gonna do anything else fuck fuck FUCK And the other other part is that there are a lot of people I'm close to who have struggled with substance abuse and I'm sure I'm not the only one in that position so just a reminder to appreciate those people and tell them you love them and make sure they know you're there for them no matter what ok I'm crying at work gotta go bye