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Everything posted by RanRan

  1. Yeah why would people not assume that every anonymous internet person is a man? Let's just assume everyone is NORMAL until they tell us otherwise. That makes sense about WP. I'm sure LS is gonna be way cheaper, or other neighborhoods that are less trendy, but you know that I'm sure.
  2. Yeah good call good call hey WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT NEIGHBORHOOD YOU LIVE IN? Are you scared of me? I don't even live in Chicago anymore! If you are afraid of Mean Detective because he does live in Chicago then you can PM me your neighborhood.
  3. Ah, OK, so MusicalGuest, it seems like maybe you just haven't dealt with rent before? Let's think about this. Let's say you're taking home $1500 a month (though realistically that's probably a little high.) You spend $800 on rent. That leaves you with $700/month for utilities (and heat will get expensive in the winter), food, entertainment, do you have student loans? don't forget about those, transportation, any emergencies that pop up, payments on the Pro Version, etc. For me, that would not be enough. In fact, if I plug in my own numbers for utilities, loans, transportation, and groceries, that leaves me at about $200 a month ($50 a week) for all non-necessities, including meals out, drinks with friends, clothes, tickets to events, toiletries, etc. I would not do that. Especially considering that my friends who live in nicer/cooler areas of the south side pay $3-500 in rent, and my friends that live in cool-ish areas on the north side pay $600-650. (In Chicago, to be clear.) I'm sure you've heard the rule about spending no more than 30% of your income on rent. I think in some situations that's not possible, or it's not preferable, and it's fine to spend more. But if >50% of what you're taking home is going to rent, that is probably going to be a problem.
  4. I would not pay that much in Chicago, no. What neighborhood do you live in/want to live in?
  5. Rent is basically all anyone in Austin talks about, so I'm just gonna give you guys some more information here. I pay $550 for my half of the rent on a 2-bedroom house. It is very small, but it is in an excellent location, we have a yard, central AC, a dishwasher, and laundry, and our landlords rule -- one of them just e-mailed to tell us that the loquats on one of the trees outside are perfectly ripe and we should make sure to try them.
  6. I pay $550 and I'm not afraid to say it. Don't skip the Ellie Kemper episode, there are so many good moments in there! "She has to move in with her dad, Hitler's ghost. He's nice but his boss is mean."
  7. Boy, from Sean's big lead-up I was positive that MBOP was finally gonna get the pro version.
  8. I feel bad saying this, but Chanson, I don't think you should ever come to Austin. It sounds like you would suffer pretty extensive brain damage.
  9. Also redundant but who's counting
  10. Devscoots, do you know Jake? He lives in Melbourne. Would it be cool if we both knew a same person?
  11. Devscoots do you know the Melbourne band Cuntz, and also how frequently do you call people cunts?
  12. Chanson, I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.
  13. Chanson, that's a great picture of Dreidel. Devscoots, what is on your head? ADC (sorry, if you'd like to be called Alan, perhaps change your name to Alan then), America is a large country, could you get more specific? And if you're making trips based on where forumers live, why not start out easy with a nice little jaunt to Honladsland?
  14. I don't know what you're talking about, devscoots. I clearly am and always have been the #1 Handsome Boy.
  15. Fine, Tim, I've done it. Have fun j/oing to my picture, you pervs.
  16. Proof of Dell/proof of birthday/proof of D:
  17. SteveH why have you been doing this to Alex Anfanger??? Great episode. It was really sweet of you guys to do a more subtle shout-out to my mom for her birthday, since her nickname is Dell.
  18. Alex, it's my mom's birthday...any special birthday messages for her?
  19. Also: you're really pretty, you know that? WHEW JUST HAD TO GET THAT ONE OUT THERE, NOBODY HAD DONE IT YET, THANKS GOODNIGHT
  20. Hi Alex, Sup with your friend? He single or what? (Please disregard if friend is female.) We both know Sabrina who did your theme song. What do you dislike most about her? I promise not to tell her unless it's funny or juicy or I'm drunk. I think your show is very good. Do you? If you say yes, don't you think that's a little conceited of you?
  21. Just a reminder for new posters that Joe McGurl's Hollywood Handbook Forum Guide is right there in his signature and it's very helpful and accurate.
  22. uhh good luck getting even 1 agata to sleep with you
  23. ADC, that is really, really, really great.
  24. devscoots I like you but now that you've got the pro version I think it's time for you to separate your forum persona from your day job in PR. EDIT: Except for the "How Bizarre" stuff, that should stay.
  25. Great name choices! One of them even happens to be my name. What a fun coincidence! This movie sounds great and I would pay to see it. I've been thinking about something a lot, and I'd like to point out how kind Hayes always is to Sean when Sean maybe, uh, doesn't get some things exactly right. It came up this week with the PG explanation, but Hayes also showed a lot of patience when Sean was struggling to say the full title of the show. I think it's great and maybe Sean could extend the same kindness the next time Hayes doesn't know something. But I'm sure it's frustrating to try to explain something as obvious and simple as a holding deal, which even I, a resident of Garbageville, USA, know about.