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Posts posted by RanRan

  1. Hi guys, I'm pretty sure this was a good and funny episode but if I'm being TOTALLY honest I'm not 100% sure about that because I was listening in my car with the windows down and a cute homeless guy yelled that he loved me and I got super distracted thinking about what our babies will look like and didn't pay as much attention to the show as I should have but don't worry if I change my mind when I re-listen I'll come back and let you all know.

    • Like 24

  2. I'm also sad I haven't met in real life friends from here.

    Look man, I was IN New York on tour and I said this on the forum so it's only your own fault that you don't get to be friends with me like I am with Mean Detective, A Bear, and that guy Lydon or maybe Lyndon I don't remember which but he didn't like it when you called him the wrong one.


    Hey, great podcast this week!

    • Like 18

  3. I know what you're all thinking, and yes, it's me.. A new forum member. Long time Earwolfee but have never been a forumite. Upon hearing the "CBB the Movie" episode several months ago, featuring two dudes that I had never heard of before, my life was taken over by Hayes and Sean. I binged on RSS and HH (and spaghetti) until I had heard it all, much of it several times over. I have read the forums along with the episodes and I love what you all have done with the place. I would like to hang out in here with y'all because it looks like fun. I hope I can be accepted:


    My name is Keegan

    I am 24

    I am having red hair

    I live in Kansas City

    I am a hip hop head

    Don't ask me about my car

    I am a video game and movies nerd


    Should I take my shoes off?


    Sent from my iPad

    Good job this is correct, I like you Keegan even though your name is Keegan.


    Another thing I liked was in the ad when Sean said he was my friend. That made me feel nice.

    • Like 13

  4. Anyway here's a song about the best city in Texas blah blah then it says Dallas

    What the fuck, Pete


    One time I saw The Dillinger Escape Plan in concert, and then something about that band goes here

    One time I didn't see the Dillinger Escape Plan in concert but I was hanging out in their green room until I got kicked out just because I didn't know anyone in the band or have permission to be there but before that I stole one of their picks and on it it said Dillinger Escape Pick. DILLINGER ESCAPE PICK. Nuh uh.


    @mwn good posts do u want to be friends? just send me your routing and account numbers to prove u trust me and I will send u a certificate of friendship to verify for all the haters out there

    • Like 15



    Beyonce, Kirko Bangz, who's to say which one is more culturally significant?


    Unfortunately, Agata, I have some very bad news for you. Beyonce no longer lives in Texas. I know when you come home you're so excited to be in the same state as her, but it's just not true anymore. She lives in Rich People Land, CA -- yes, even richer than Houston -- with her millionaire husband and millionaire baby. She is also a millionaire herself. The upside to this is that you are in the same state as Beyonce RIGHT NOW! Unless she is somewhere else for some reason.

    • Like 12

  6. Just finished a re-listen. Can someone clear something up for me? Hayes references the part they cut about Cheech and Chong (thank goodness, sounds pretty racist!) and says it seemed like Mike "thought Chong was an Asian guy." But Tommy Chong IS half Chinese. I'm sure that Hayes knows this, since he has probably spent a lot of time with Tommy Chong at various exclusive Hollywood parties, etc. So what is he trying to say here? I am legitimately confused and wondering if I am missing a joke. Yes, I am also a little drunk. So what? How's the saying go? "Vodka before beer before gin, that's when you know you're bound to win"?

    • Like 20