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Posts posted by espo12

  1. i'm pretty sure he will be back. he's one of the people that lives off of appearances.


    I hope so. It just seems like he's settled down in terms of caring about being on the challenge. Looked like the last few times he was there solely to be with D. He's honestly one of the most normal people on the show now. That "Choo Choo!" moment from a few seasons back was like the last CT thing that he did

  2. That tall lanky goober from Are You the One was pretty funny. Hearkens back to the old days of the Challenge when barely anyone had talent and they dressed them up like chickens and made them carry bird food with their mouths. I miss Theo, which reminds me that Reality Bites Back was a great show and if you haven't seen it you should.



    Anyway, very sad episode. Sad that this is probably the last time we'll see CT.

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  3. The Challenge is the one show that would crush me if it got cancelled. I've been rewatching Fresh Meat 2 the past week. Baffling to me that Cara Maria was actually the first person out that season and managed to keep coming back. Funny seeing the people that couldn't even cut it as regulars on the Challenge. This Pete dude has an anger problem.


    As for the new season, I'm excited to see how it plays out. Seeing Diem and Knight is pretty hard, but it could possibly lead to the most emotionally affecting moment on MTV Reality TV in a long time. At least since that time CT picked up Bananas and threw him into a garbage can.



    Dude who created RW/the Challenges did an AMA the other day and a bunch of people asked him about an Old School/New School challenge, and he seemed on board. I'd love to see that

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