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Everything posted by AlbinLundholm

  1. AlbinLundholm

    EPISODE 119 — Friends, Our Close Friends

    Wouldn't it be funny if he killed him before he fucked and married him, I for one think necrophilia is very funny
  2. AlbinLundholm

    EPISODE 119 — Friends, Our Close Friends

    Was Brett's house also in the ladies' bathroom? That would be such a Brett thing to do haha, live in the ladies' bathroom, silly Brett
  3. AlbinLundholm

    EPISODE 119 — Friends, Our Close Friends

    Sean and Hayes are sooooooooo funny together
  4. AlbinLundholm

    EPISODE 119 — Friends, Our Close Friends

  5. AlbinLundholm

    EPISODE 119 — Friends, Our Close Friends

    Brett's a pretty cool guy so I'm sure this will be a pretty cool ep
  6. Wow! So great! Really exciting!
  7. AlbinLundholm

    Episode 45 - Margaritaville

    Jerry Minor's such a cool guy
  8. Imagine not thinking Adam Scott is the greatest human alive
  9. I also don't know why I felt the need to post this post on how I don't know why I felt the need to post the other thing
  10. Idk why I felt the need to post this
  11. I was just about to post this
  12. Oh yeah btw, the Swedish chef on the Muppet show is a perfect representation of how Swedish people speak and act
  13. Let's talk about French Fries; • They're very nice to eat • I do not eat them with ketchup though, because I do not like ketchup • They're actually from Belgium not France • Lmao you started calling them freedom fries after France opposed the Iraq war, that was funny • In the UK they call them chips, that's also funny • In Canada they put gravy on them, that's even funnier • They're made from potatoes • They're fried
  14. I've listened to this ep at least 3 times
  15. Lol I saw this on the front page and for a milisecond got incredibly excited thinking they'd done a sequel or something
  16. AlbinLundholm

    Episode 224 - Cheeseball

    The ostrich scenario would make a great sitcom
  17. Why does Sean look like the head of a sculpture depicting some sort of Greek god
  18. I've never understood why the phrase 'symmetrical face' is used to describe attractive people. Ugly people can have symmetrical faces too, just 2 ugly sides
  19. It works on mobile now so all hail Dixon
  20. AlbinLundholm

    Episode 224 - Cheeseball

    Gemberling looks kinda like Galifianakis now
  21. I've listened to the two 4/20 I4H episodes maybe 5 times now
  22. I wasn't already your favourite?
  23. When r u 2 doing another ep of ur pcast