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Everything posted by MultipleReferee

  1. "I'm an advertising CEO." "At a woodshop?"
  2. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 217 — A i4h Christmas Carol

    HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS. http://www.avclub.com/detail/serial-back-time-enigmatic-tale-bowe-bergdahl-229704 They also referred to Armen as an i4h regular so uh, I guess that evens it out.
  3. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 217 — A i4h Christmas Carol

    Ya just been had there, saddlebags.
  4. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 217 — A i4h Christmas Carol

    Yep. That was truly amazing. I loved all that stuff at the end about short form, Sun Kil Moon, Angry trumpet guy... except where he said no more musical episodes unless it's cleared with fans. Yes, I'm aware he's joking about that one, but seriously... fuck those people. No need to throw them a bone. You hear me musical dissenters? Fuck you. And a heartfelt Merry Christmas to you all the same!
  5. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 217 — A i4h Christmas Carol

    I hate that I'm actually bugged by the fact that it's "A i4h" and not "An i4h." Damn, I suck. Anyways, time to listen!
  6. Yep -- on the flipside of that, if Horatio were with less able improvisors, he might be the one coming off as bad and not a team-player. It wouldn't be "man, this is guy is so good and these other people can't keep up," as much as it would be, "Why is this guy freelancing? Why is he inventing and not playing the reality of the scene?" Now, I don't think he does that stuff, but I could see someone interpreting it that way if he played with less-advanced improvisors, as many of his offerings would probably be met with their fair share of "No, buts" and "That's weird -- hey everyone, isn't it funny how weird that is? Wink wink. Ok, back to the scene." That's why (good) improv is so beautiful to watch/listen-to. Everyone is working together to achieve a common goal. And I think Ian's correct right off the bat: It's all pretty much just semantics. Anyone who says they teach improv with no rules is just selling something. They take some of the most common staples associated with "The Rules" such as "Don't ask questions," "Know each other," "No teaching scenes, "No transaction scenes," and say, "Hey, you can do all that stuff here! Whenever you want! No rules! Follow your every whim!" Whereas those "rules" really exist mainly to help beginner improvisors stay away from some of the more common pitfalls they inevitably fall into. It's not that scenes that are heavy on them will always be bad, but more that beginners don't have the tool-set yet to make them good. You're not gonna get kicked out of an upper-level UCB class because you asked questions in a scene (the right questions can add plenty information and help play the game anyways) or made an initiation that established your scene partner as a stranger. Like Ian said, if you're teaching and have critical notes for a scene, then guess what, you have rules. If you never, ever give critical notes, then you're not teaching (though I'm fine with being more lenient with beginners, since that's when their confidence is at its most fragile). I'm guessing the teachers at Annoyance theater don't offer effusive praise for 100% of the scenes they see.
  7. This about where I'm at as well.
  8. Oh boy am I glad I stumbled over here today. Huzzah!
  9. Inspired by the discussion in the Dan Deacon thread. I'd say list no more than 10, just to keep things reasonable (or don't, fuck it). I think it's a testament to how good the show and its performers are that you could make many different lists all with different improvisors and they'd all be absolutely killer. Zach Woods Andy Daly Lennon Parham Brian Huskey Chad Carter Joe Wengert Steph Allynne Colton Dunn Eugene Cordero Gil Ozeri I decided to leave off brilliant shoe-ins like Adam McKay and Chris Gethard just because they've appeared so rarely on the show. Also, any of the UCB4, because again, come on.
  10. What pray tell is this magical chaos that hath descended upon mine ears? Excellent episode. I find your lack of Woods disturbing.
  11. I think the musical episodes are great and all the haters can suck it. Don't like it, don't listen to it. Or suck it up and expand your horizons a bit. I actually just helped produce and performed in an Armando (asssscat) at the theater I regularly perform at, where we had a musician (solo acoustic, slow-tempo, just like i4h usually has that everyone complains about) play songs and we did scenes off them. And it was the tits and everybody really liked it. #FightTheGoodFightHumblebrag
  12. MultipleReferee

    i4h tv pilot

    Believe it or not, but that's also the scene that got me into the show.
  13. Yeah, this episode was amazing. I thought the first time around it may have suffered a bit from over-narration, but I didn't get any such inklings during the re-listen. Like many have already said, Chad Carter is one of the best.
  14. Susan Messing's passover analogy was some next-level shit. And Bob Dassie's relaxed dad is a goat character.
  15. Yeah, that "harmonica" solo was amazing. And that Michael Caine scene went off the rails in the most glorious way possible.
  16. Hey hey, a little California Supreme WinShow easter egg at the end.
  17. MultipleReferee

    Vote for the BEST OF improv4humans!

    No you're not crazy, it definitely did.
  18. MultipleReferee

    Vote for the BEST OF improv4humans!

    Crap on YouTube #166 - Deranged Penguin (Encounters at the End of the World) – A comedienne’s dead penguin material (1:07:10) # 171 - “Argument on a New York City Bus” - Accidentally intervening in arguments (30:20) Twitter Suggestion #147 – Morrissey – Gangbangers show off their My Little Ponies (45:17) #154 – Grasshopper – Live theatre with dead bodies (31:32) #173 - Oxidation - Dead reality star boosts ratings (1:09:09) Let’s Talk Some More About That #187 - The Little Mermaid song - Ariel the Mermaid shows interest in humans/gets raped (1:08:55) #189 - Some movies are best experienced in entirety, not clips - Biblical miniseries trailers (1:12:29) What is Bothering You? #150 – (Also Confrontation Corner) Jim Parsons winning another Emmys – Don Cheadle tries to convince Ben to vandalize Jim Parsons’ car (41:23) What the Fuck is Going on? #191 - Goggles may be needed for porn to prevent STDs – Trying to smoothly work goggles into porn shoot (35:01) #160 - Grandmothers scammed over the phone – Getting to the bottom of a grandma scam (59:45) Intro Story #184 - Gabrus smokes in hotel and gets paranoid about fire alarm - Pink eye pot/Clit’s Alive (33:04) #165 - Falling/Offensive statements - Trying to remember offensive comments after being in a coma (0:00) Question from Listener #173 - What was your shittiest job before getting into comedy? - Telemarketer speaks to an autobot family/chases hologram lover (10:10) #147 - What’s the best first date you’ve had? – First date meets at Pitch Blacks restaurant (1:05:30) Improv4Humans Movie Review #189 - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Humans discuss a response to apes’ ultimatum (0:12) Audience Story (write-in) #75 – Southern Puppeteer - Chick-fil-A scat singer (52:24) Yeah, I know I broke the rules a bit, but whatever. Scat singer is one of my favorites (in a really light category, apparently), and there was no way I could eliminate any of those twitter suggestions -- all those scenes are great. I'm with Jacob C. though. So many classics not even listed.
  19. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 200 — 200th Episode!

    The body, the body, THE BODY, THE BODY!
  20. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 200 — 200th Episode!

    Great way to cap 200 episodes of the podcast that got me into improv. Everyone was on fire. Even the between-scene banter was great, with Matt's initial rant coupled with another Star Wars callback being my favorite.
  21. This was great, brevity aside. Always gotta love Eug-Cord.
  22. Oh. And there's also Tween Gay News. And 25 others.