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Everything posted by MultipleReferee

  1. Let old janitor guy have his moment. Sheesh.
  2. Campbell4Lyfe. Great ending. I'm tempted to start sneaking in "I love you"s every time I say goodbye to someone.
  3. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 364 — The Marm of Smarm Returns

    The 6th Anniversary show has to be there.
  4. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 197 — Summer Stache

    That first crap on youtube was so irritating to listen to. Yeesh. Also, loved the chair bit in the Jared scene. Bits like that seem to be somewhat scarce on i4h (which, all things considered, is probably a good thing for an audio medium), which makes it nice when they pop up and provide a little bit of different flavor.
  5. Had a serious case of deja vu when I realized Lauren Lapkus also played a robot who could poop on a live episode of i4h once. And of course.... more butt fixations.
  6. Great episode. And yeah, the final scene is one for the ages. Gelman's ridiculousness ("you there") + Besser's direction were just en pointe.
  7. Both live eps have been great. The sock scene is future best-of material.
  8. Damnit, I had already whittled down the best scenes in a separate post, now I gotta look through them all again? God this is a tragedy. Also, only listing 5 is a goddamn injustice. ep.147: "Bronies" 45:17 ep.166: "Deranged Penguin" 1:07:10 ep.173: "Decomposing Corpse TV" 1:09:09 ep.189: "Biblical Trailers" 1:12:29 ep.191: "Porn Goggles" 35:01
  9. 14 zeezilzorps.
  10. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 193 — Into the Thunderdome

    When talking specifically about hate speech, absolutely. That's how you separate someone genuinely bad and someone who's just an oblivious idiot. Again, my main contention was that the idea of, in terms of an insult, cunt being worse than bitch unequivocally, no matter the situation or context, doesn't hold water. And on that front I WILL. NOT. BENNND. No one can convince me or my 27 years of experience on this earth otherwise....
  11. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 193 — Into the Thunderdome

    I don't know about everyone else, Veegs, but the only thing I'm going to yell at you for is that giant goddamn wall of text. Paragraphs are your friend =)
  12. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 193 — Into the Thunderdome

    Not that I have a specific horse in the whole Sun Kil Moon saga, but I do feel the need to briefly chime in on the whole bitch/cunt thing. Many of my female friends who've shared their thoughts on this when it's come up in conversation one way or another have said they would be (or have been) more offended by a guy calling them a bitch as an insult than opposed to cunt, mainly because of the gender-specific implications of the word with how it relates to the opposite gender (with cunt just being the equivalent of calling a guy a dick, whereas there's no word a girl could call a guy, that specifically relates to and degrades his gender in relation to being a inferior-submissive to women, which would also insult him). And obviously Amanda Sitko being a woman doesn't speak for all women, with which I'm sure she would agree, and also wasn't implying that anyway when she shared her thoughts. Now, if every English-speaking woman in the US were polled and I had to guess which word the majority were more offended by in terms of a man using it to insult them, hell yeah I'd still put my chips on cunt, but just because a word/insult isn't at the pinnacle of whatever spectrum it's on doesn't make it any more excusable to use, or less offensive to the subject it's being pressed upon. Context context context: If a woman was being really difficult or rude or what-have-you, then I'd suspect calling her a cunt would cut deeper than using bitch. If it were a situation where a man was trying to degrade her sexuality and/or establish his superiority over her as a man (which I guess is where it does tie back into the Sun Kil Moon thing, even if it's a "joke"), then I'd think bitch would elicit a stronger reaction from the female in question.
  13. Great episode. Ryan Bingham was a treat to hear. Those final two scenes were nuts, and I now have a fake song stuck in my head (and don't even know the correct lyrics).
  14. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 191 — Drizzle, No Apologies

    I think my favorite part of that is where they were (unkowingly, it sounded like) still treating the made-up porn scene like the improvisors they were, not the characters in the scene, hence the kids justification. Which of course, doesn't really fit a porno at all, but a great new game was formed from that. So funny. Although Stephanie did say her character took a 101 class during the previous scene, so... now I'm not so sure. Hmm....
  15. Excellent, thanks for this. I never made the connection to improv-ing off of what you might call "sad" material being more of a challenge, but I totally see that now, just for the sole fact it's different than any other premise-based opening purely on tone. I think the variety of openings referred to is one of the reasons the show is such a pleasure to listen to.
  16. Someone dug up the guy's podcast with the clip of audio, so it's definitely him.
  17. McKay might've been iO, along with Besser and co. I believe. He was one of the founding members of early-UCB if I'm not mistaken. Pretty sure he also helped develop the modern Armando Diaz form along with Besser (and its namesake), which most people know as Asssscat now. Yes, this post is loaded with a ton of qualifiers since all that history stuff is still pretty murky, haha Same.
  18. Yeah, speculation doesn't really do anybody any good. I looked up that guy and it's not him, since Matt said the guy in question had been in the improv scene even longer than he has
  19. Tween Gay News needs to be a recurring segment on every Earwolf podcast. I'm joking of course, but my god was that glorious. I started cracking up immediately and didn't stop until the scene did. Also the accent fuck-up at the end was great. It's nice when all the guests are good friends, since that ball-busting camaraderie always seeps into the scenes and fuels the energy of the show.
  20. MultipleReferee

    EPISODE 188 — Moon Madness

    The opening, where Neil doesn't realize they've started a scene and then shortly after adds an almost flippant escalation in response, is just gold.
  21. I thought that was Whitehead? Either way, completely lost it at that line. Also, WH were spot on with their elephant impressions. And Steph Allynne's grandma voice is the best.
  22. This is a forgotten gem of a bonus episode.
  23. That seems pretty ambitious. I doubt Besser has that kind of pull, no offense.
  24. Hey Matt, I noticed Ben Folds is gonna be in L.A. at the end of June for his tour -- I think he'd be a great musical guest if you're into it. There's usually a lot going on in his songs and he's got some great stories as well. Plus he's also appeared on Nerdist a couple times and Earwolf too, so you know he's down with the podcastin'.
  25. Loved Hiller's repeated explanation character in this one. Also Seth Morris' rom-com basketball bro scene.