I've never been in a band and frankly, I don't even know how to play any instruments, but if I ever do start a band, I'm gonna call it "Father, What's My Consequence?"
I'm forever grateful we got another hour of Harris. He told Pete Holmes on YMIW that he didn't understand why death was so "tragic" to so many people because we all die, though of course he knows that it's sad for those around you because you're gone and there won't be more laughs. The stories told by people like Aziz, voicemails to Lance Bangs, and episodes like this, mean that even after his death, we are still getting a few more new laughs (Pontius Tonight .... I can't stop laughing every time I think about it) and much like with Mitch Hedberg, we will re-enjoy, and re-tell his funniest moments for decades to come. Maybe even another 12 centuries.
Bye Harris. We love you.