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Everything posted by souprman

  1. Actually Mr Lemonirini I did the same thing to CHICKNSANDWICH and they read 2 of that big titty punks questions including the one I "stepped in" and "said some stuff" about. So it must be you buddy. (I'm really into calling people "punks" lately. What do you punks think of that?)
  2. A really special guy, that's who.
  3. Kieran no one wanted you to find out like this. I'm so sorry.
  4. Mike, Do you think Hayes is yummier than Sean, or is it a total om nom nom scrom nom nom yummy books situation? ps, please don't eat them.
  5. I hope we didn't hurt Mike Rodgers feelings by not knowing who he is. Good luck everyone. [presses play] update> It's going really well. update2> Oh no...
  6. souprman

    Episode 416 - Silicone Bralley Poo Crew

  7. You wanna know the Juice Goose? I'll lay it down real thick, put some feathers on it, and pluck it up your bums.
  8. Maybe it's just me, but I'm a person. -Comedy Bang Bang Guy
  9. oohh oohhh sorry JoeLamernini imma let Mike answer but I just wanted to say Heaven's On Fire is one of the greatest butt-rock songs of all time. Peace! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZjevnnkA20 some of the best explicit pointing in music video history y'all.
  10. hey Mike, did you ever dream while growing up in Davie, Florida that you would ever currently reside in New York City after earning your bachelor degree in English from Florida Atlantic University?
  11. Hi Mike Lawrence! I don't know who you are. Are you Joey Lawrence and you just got confused? If not do you ever just say "Woah!" all funny for the heck of it? Okay Bye!
  12. someone alert Engineer Brett cuz this post is riff-worthy!
  13. My deepest sympathies to silvrwoman for being forced to listen to CBB.
  14. I wonder what my friend Jeff would say about this? mmmm yes, qand indeed...
  15. wait, Hollywood Handbook is a show? I thought it was just that awful forum.
  16. 3rd post. :middle_finger>emoji
  17. oh man, sorry, this is real fine fighting on your part but I'm afraid I can't fight anymore. I have to focus on training to get beaten up by RanRan.
  18. 1. that's my natural musk. ty for noticing. 2. yeah. it's made of playdoh. 3. that's between me and my proctologist pal*. 4. well, yes, I mean no, I wouldn't be so presumptuous, I'm just some guy I guess? 5. I think that too. This was a weird way to agree on things. edit>*yes, my proctologist and I are very close