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Everything posted by souprman

  1. I'm so sorry Chanson. That's terrible, I didn't know. Please forgive me.
  2. Why don't you go to QFC like a civilized person?
  3. oops! looks like Spunky already did it. Spunky I'll be in touch for the wire transfer.
  4. I figured Montgomery was gender neutral like the rest of us. Also I would be mean to Anastasia but i have this new kill 'em with kindness policy. I think she's pretty cool for someone who doesn't get it. See? The other thing is Anastasia Vigo is like the hardest name in the world to make puns out of. I am offering 10 BILLION DOLLARS to the person who can create the best pun on Anastasia Vigo. LET THE GREAT ANASTASIA VIGO PUN-NAME CHALLENGE OF 2016 BEGIN!!!
  5. pretty excited to hear Tammi Littlenut!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIlsqkBis3k Paul didn't mention that Ann Margret is performing with BCR (as true fans call them) which adds another layer of what-the-fuck to this thing.
  7. souprman

    Episode 401 - LOVE Is Thicker Than Water

    this ep was beautiful, perfect, and Disproportionately Thicke.
  8. Ashley if you're trying to "Revenant" him I think you're making yourself the Tom Hardy in that situation.
  9. except Norm of course. he's the worst. #fuckNorm
  10. HA! LIZ LOVES US! I KNEW IT!!! ha ha Liz, you love a bunch of weirdos! LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!! LIZZZZZZMUFFFINS!! (that's a little song about you) love you right back tough guy. :wub: the rest of you are pretty great too.
  11. ran, if you're waiting for a scenario where you have to save that hot homeless dude from drowning in a tub of hot soapy water and then bone him down, you're going to have to create that situation yourself. I'm not saying dig a hole in your yard, put in a clawfoot bathtub, cover it with a picnic blanket and then leave a trail of homeless people snacks (cigar's, empty tuna cans, etc) from where he hangs out to the tub and push him in and then "save" him wearing nothing but a fugazi t-shirt... yep, i'm definitely not saying that. good luck. -soup. edit> to be clear this is NOT what I did and u shouldn't either.
  12. 'bout time you had James on MattyB. I specifically asked for this over 4 months ago. now I want Gary Anthony Williams on please and let's do make that happen just a bit quicker K? thanks. (Matt I'm really sorry, I have to act cool in front of the other forumers. amazing show, great stuff. every ep has been absolutely stellar lately. I love it and you are a genius. also i am signing up for SeeSo. okay good talk.)
  13. souprman

    Episode 400 - The War on Surfing

    damn. next year let's for real follow like deadheads. start planning now. step one; tie die Heynong Man t-shirt.