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Everything posted by souprman

  1. ha ha !!! kanye west fans! ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahahah!!! fuck you!! ha ha !! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU. -Love, Kanye.
  2. OMG look at his jjar! it is sooo big! he's prolly one of those rap guys girlfriends I like big jjar's and I cannot lie you other jjar's can't deny when a jjar walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round jjar in your face you get sprung, wanna pull up tough cause you noticed that jjar was stuffed deep in the jeans he wearin I'm hooked and I can't stop starin' baby I wanna get witcha and take your picture my homeboys tried to warn me but that jjar you got make ME SO HORNY! edit> forgot to add my toll-free number 1-900-SOUP-A-LOT in case anyone has some nasty thoughts. edit2>i should really be more awake when doing things.
  3. mikebonetti, thejjar, & Norm, I'm so sorry for how I've treated you dumb jocks. I feel just terrible. please mash your big dumb sausage fingers into the like button if you forgive me. love, a very contrite souprman. ps- thejjar I think you're right, let's go ahead and replace those air filters.
  4. souprman

    Episode 400 - The War on Surfing

    ps - this ep made my little penis pee out penis pee.
  5. souprman

    Episode 400 - The War on Surfing

    dude, go to minneapolis on the 19th and i'll meet you there.
  6. Hey lady? I just report the facts. Also, NO, no we can't all get along. Furthermore we are now in a fight. And another thing is I like you. dammit.... I used to be way better at fighting,
  7. SUX For those keeping score. edit> Just noticed Dixon wears a diaper. Seems to be full... edit2> Yes, I think that's an actual picture of Dixon
  8. REASONS THIS EP IS BAD. 1) It made me cry 2) I can't wrap myself up in it like a burrito and live in it's reality forever 3) Ep description total spoiler 4) Engineer Brett keep interrupting Hayes & Sean 5) No pre-recorded commercials 5/5 Stars
  9. I don't know Shampoodler, Stard been killing it lately.
  10. okay, it took me a few posts to catch on but now i get it. The premise of this page is it's a forum for one of those christian groups that try to turn gay kids straight. you guys are so weird. dont judge me.
  11. This dude reviews pencils. His name is Pencil Lord. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm_yhtSIceY
  12. souprman

    Episode 224 - Cheeseball

    "Most of my early lovemaking was done in the confessional booth". Best throwaway line ever.
  13. Dammit JacobC make up your mind! (seriously tho happy 4 year anniversary.) I had to finally come down on the 'fer' side on Dixon. Sure he publishes that newspaper that has a troubling amount of front page articles about how my shit don't make no sense, but he's given me plenty of chuckles as well. So even though he's really giving me the run around about revealing his sources (I'm looking at you Christian Scientists) I'm gonna endorse the Ticonderoga Man.
  14. This was just emailed to me from pfrank@vatcity.gov
  15. how would you know? (sorry K, it had to be done. I know you know this and accept that I did the right thing, but I also know you will have to pretend this hurt a lot and wasn't cool. I get it man.)
  16. At first I liked this post by my friend Jeffrey. Then I realized this was a vicious attack on me personally. But, I kinda like that sort of thing. Still this was pretty fucking mean. I'm sure by the end of the day I'll settle in on whether I really like this post or not. For now I can only say; Screw you Jeffrey, my dear sweet friend.