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Everything posted by souprman

  1. One Halloween, when I was only 12 years old, my friends dared me to climb the fence surrounding the creepy old house at the top of the hill at the end of my street, that spewed bright red iron-rich clay and turned the snow red in the winter, and ring the doorbell. Also the place seemed like it might be haunted, though oddly it never came up amongst the townsfolk. "No I don't-a-wanna" I cried like an Italian baby. "Whudderya chickn?" they all sang mockingly like street thugs from the Bowery circa 1952. "I aint afraid of no iron-rich clay!" I yelled back reflecting Ray Parker Jr's attitude toward ghosts. "OH YEAH McFly? prove it." They challenged referencing the classic time-travel comedy Back to the Future. So off I went. I climbed the black gate and jumped down into the ruddy wet snow. I trudged up the hill and finally made it to the bottom of the stairs at the front of the big spooky house that was also really creepy. I gingerly tiptoed up the stairs and just as I extended my finger to press the doorbell the door flew open. There stood a sexy ass black-haired woman with pale skin and her boobs all super jacked up in an old-timey bustier-type dress. She looked like some kinda sexy hot witch straight outta one of my sexy hot witch fantasies. She looked me up and down and it was then I realized I still was dressed as Elmo Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th movies. "Trick or treat," I tried to say with enthusiasm. She just stared at me. "I don't think that's why you're here. What if I were to offer you a trick?" She asked with the tiniest crook of a smile creasing the corners of her mouth. "I mean, sure. I don't really...know..." I stammered mesmerized by her giant rack. "Why don't you come into the Moth-Parlour and I'll tell you your future". She motioned for me to enter and I just started walking in almost not of my own accord. I mean to say it was like her milky cleave had me in a trance, a confusing premonition of what the rest of my pathetic heterosexual life would be like. "Hey what's a Moth-" I started to ask. "Please, have a seat" she interrupted. I sat in a chair next to the giant fireplace. She sat opposite me and then took my hand. She studied the lines of my palm before gasping slightly and pulling back, putting her hand to her mouth and muttering "Oh my...". "What? What is it?" I asked "No, I'm sorry, I can't do the trick tonight. I have some Fun-Size Snickers around here somewhere let me get you one and you can be on your way". She seemed genuinely SPOOOOOOKED!!!!! I jumped up and grabbed her by her sexy porcelain shoulders and shook her, "Tell me! You must, you simply must tell me. What did you see?" I looked into her eyes and she into mine and then we totally started making out. It got pretty sloppy (high five). Afterward she said that at some point in the distant future I would receive the pro-version while I was using a spooky Halloween pseudonym. I never knew what she was talking about until now. Also we totally boned each other down several times that night. the end. >
  2. souprman

    Ask Paul!

    I believe he said he was very interested in doing a musical ep and probably would if he could figure out the right way to do it.
  3. HA! didn't fool me, I've read Lemony Snicket books. -Arthur Rimbaud
  4. I think iBrain was the only reference on this week's thread I didn't have to google. I'm exhausted. -Charles Baudelaire
  5. I'm not going to even pretend to know what the fuck any of this means. Seriously though I don't know if mikebonetti and I can deal with adding a father/son dynamic to the Life Partner status we already enjoy. Think b4 you do things AbbySynth! You're welcome for your new EDM name btw.
  6. souprman

    EPISODE 255 — An All New Era

    The only people who seem to give a fuck about the charts are apparently Kulap, Howard, and Stard and it seems like they're barely into it. So why are they slavishly holding onto the premise? The fun of this show was how the guests interacted with the general discussion and the hosts. No one is listening to this show for the charts, which can easily be looked up in 2 seconds. If the ep w Hayes had happened under this format, none of that great stuff about the song of summer and Michael Jackson would have happened. Screw the top 5 guys, just mix it up and have fun, and bring out the guest closer to the top.
  7. souprman

    EPISODE 255 — An All New Era

    I used to do a lot of drugs. I also currently do a lot of drugs, but I used to do a lot of drugs as well. something like that if I'm thinking of the same joke.
  8. I was just too angry to censor that 2nd one.
  9. NORM YOU JERK!! JUST SHUT THE FU*K UP ALREADY!!!! GODDAMMIT YOU JOYLESS FUCK!!!! er, I mean to say.... ahhhh. yep. how about that federal deficit? aaand er ....you guys like um, porm?, I mean pern? um... (already used the GOB Bluth "huge mistake" bit...) weather getting pretty chilly out there eh? welp, no way to alter or delete this now. and Post
  10. 10 oz of lasagna stat!
  11. souprman

    EPISODE 121.5 - Minisode 121.5

    way to go Nate...
  12. Don't compare Face Like Thunder to the Lumineers. Thank You. edit>because Lumineers are suck.
  13. Daly - Jerry Lewis killed himself. Scott - Oh No!... Finally.
  14. https://en.wikipedia...iki/Dicks_(band) >stop testing me people.
  15. aren't you proud of me for restraining myself from bothering you about that?
  16. And they're such a time suck. I used to listen to music. Remember music guys? Wasn't music great? How it transports you to another place. You can think about other things. It doesn't require you to laugh at it or rate it on iTunes. Podcasts are so needy. I don't know why we tolerate them.
  17. i don't know Normie somethings fishy about this MuffinDude. He didin't like a single one of my #classicsouprman posts. I think his game-recognize-game-dar is broke. (that's a radar dudes have for recognizing other dudes game. Silvr what the lady version called again?) wreck-o-nize MuffinDude!
  18. 1. thanks. yer pretty cool too. 2. yeah but who's still thinking about pizza? (you point thumbs at self and say 'this guy') 3. now you're probably saying something like 'no you guys i'm not like that, some of my best friends are pizza'. edit>good morning btw
  19. Dairy is just trying to brighten up your gloomy mid-western day. Like, let the sunshine in bro.
  20. stop bating me with your cool music references Lerini. I like Big Star. how does that feel?
  21. spunky werent you working on a cool ass drawing of a bug like that? any updates? I did one of my own recently. it's pretty good.