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Everything posted by souprman

  1. everyone is being really cool tonight.
  2. thank you. that's totally admissible in court helpful.
  3. While I agree w the sentiment of hypnotizing chickens post I have to pipe in here. The problem is that every single band that was initially involved or associated w punk has tried to retroactively diminish or spin whether or not they were punk. "Oh they were never really a punk band they were actually very good players" is the kind of sentiment you hear all the time in docs about bands from that era. NYC scene was NOT punk is another one you hear all the time. The thing that people keep forgetting is there never really was a style of music that was quintessentially punk. The idea that Buzzcocks didn't start punk as fuck because of where they went is pretty ludicrous. I'm sorry but if Breakdown and Orgasm Addict aren't punk songs to you I don't know what fucking universe you live in. Same goes for The Jam. There's no spin you could argue that would diminish In The City or All Mod Cons as punk classics. Retroactively people go "when you look at what they did it was actually very pop" or "they were actually very good players" I'm not sure what the need is this far removed to legitimize the talents of well established innovators but it happens over and over. Punk music was different kinds of pop from earlier era's played more crudely and loudly, and generally sung by someone w/out a traditionally pretty voice. Ramones played Beach Boys/Phil Spector tunes fast. Sex Pistols basically played rockabilly riffs - fast. By 1978 punk was basically over as a cultural lynch-pin in the actual underground but it was just getting started as marketable in the mainstream. Ultimately nothing was in fact ever actually punk, I know that's a contradictory idea to the notion that certain Buzzcocks and Jam tunes are punk classics, but here's the deal. Punk was never a movement ideologically, in terms of sound, or even as fashion. There was no way to conform to a punk ethos that was universally accepted because it contradicted the very idea of DIY, which ultimately is where punk starts and ends. Punk was and remains a way to sell the idea of non-conformity, of individualism, and freedom from oppression. Steve Albini wrote a great piece a while back, I think for Maximum Rock&Roll, about how genres are not real and are just inventions by record companies to force a distinction between bands that are carbon copies of each other in order to shift more units. I can't be bothered to find it for you but it's out there somewhere. Besser I appreciate your deep love of music but a music expert you are not. The Jam did NOT start in the 60's and the early versions weren't even the classic 3 man line-up of Weller, Foxton, and Buckler. First LP recorded in 1977, the year of punk. For god sake man didn't you just watch the Doc?! Sorry I had to say that cause the podcast can't hear me when I yell at it. Also 13th Floor Elevators from Austin are considered by many to be the first psychedelic rock band. Lead singer Roky Erickson's difficult life is documented in the film "You're Gonna Miss Me" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0791268/ I really want to argue with you about music but I can't think of a good cased closed type angle... You are of course an expert on Improv and I think this is one of the all-time great ep's.
  4. He used to worry about being framed for partying.
  5. i know a guy who can get one fer cheap.
  6. ZING! edit> i clearly misunderstood.
  7. you dont humblebrag right. j/k you want a handy?
  8. you don't humblebrag right. j/k totes jelly.
  9. SteveH we were trying to have a moment w Valerie here for fucks sake. Naw, just playin'. Congrats to my pal SteveH. It's awesome that you're bringing yet another person into this vastly underpopulated world brimming with excess resources and space. Also we will be treated to another fine young mind sharpened by the New Jersey public education system. I mean so what if the rest of the country can't pronounce capicola correctly? Don't worry if according to scientific timetables kids born during this decade will likely be the first generation to have to deal with the cataclysmic effects of global warming and climate chage as they enter retirement age. Things such as water and energy rationing will be just another part of the daily grind (tues on fox) by that point. I'm sure the continued systematic de-funding of resources that maintain infrastructure will have very little to only an overwhelming effect on the general safety and quality of day to day life. Remember that 'future so bright I gotta wear shades' song? Well your kids future is so bright they'll have to wear Hazmat suits. My sincere congratulations for what you have done. (all kidding aside congrats buddy!!!)
  10. yep i'm just pretending Valerie has been here the whole time. smiling and nodding. i also imagine she was watching the last thread and saw all the nice birthday stuff we wrote in there. yeppers. mmhmm. just let me have this people.
  11. yep http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjbie1O1jxc
  12. i refuse to acknowledge her absence.
  13. i only liked this post because of how willfully contrarian it is. other than that what JacobC said.
  14. Besser likes Mumford & Sons. Case Closed.
  15. all in all you are all just another brick on my dick. edit>i will not apologize for this.
  16. this and the song that plays at 1:11:22 on RanRan's podcast sync up perfectly.
  17. listening now. good intro. good first tune. wow you're playing the whole tune. that's awesome. sounds like early pere ubu. finally someone drops a music podcast that plays whole songs and the file plays back at 320k. i'm pretty into this. this is obsessive music nerd territory i live in daily. very good. it actually is funny too despite the disclaimer.
  18. it's all just subterfuge to hide my rather populist crushes on DairyPillows and honlads.
  19. normal people are gender free and therefore do not have prurient interests that distract them from god and family. I was only able to give out three likes for the last 4 pages. shame on all of you. if i didn't know this was making SteveH very uncomfortable it would be a wash. that was just a joke wherein i posit that your posts were trash only for the purpose of making a SteveH joke. because he's my favorite. I mean besides MikeBoneZonetti duh. Silvrwoman also v good. (the v stands for...) oh man guys, I almost got into a fight sorta? with a real gung ho bike guy. see in places with 4 real seasons, like minnerchigan where I lerv, when it starts to turn cold in the fall, the bees go freakkin crazy right? it's cuz they know their about to die so they're flying around all crazy trying to get in your car or in your shirt, or up in your winndows cause they jus wanna be warm and survive a little bit longer. what now? oh yeah! bike guys are just like bees here in MPLS. that's what i'm saying. they know soon no matter how much they wanna be tough bike people doing their super righteous 'i bike fuckin everywhere' thing that the weather will eventually be just too fucked to bike. there are stretches here where for weeks sometimes a couple months where you will only see a few bikers a day. when it stays below 0 for most of a typical January you only see thee hardest of hard core mugs out grinding (tues on fox). so this guy got alll up in my grill and even said he called the cops on me. i posed for a picture for him and even took out my licence and read him my address. i told him my name isn't a joke name and is spelled just like it sounds. Me - do you want to take a picture of my drivers licence? Him - get the fuck away from me. do not touch me or I will go off on you. Me - now if we werent so close i might take that as a threat. do you have fantasies about violence? you do don't you? you look so angry. (i lightly nudge his shoulder and smile when he gives me a crazy death look) Him - (speaking into his phone) yes I need a police officer down on West River Road under the Franklin Ave Bridge. there's a man trying to run me down in his car. [i'm standing next to him at this point] Me - (toward his phone) sir i'm trying to give you my driver's licence information. Him - (lowering his phone) why did you get out of the car? Me - to talk like a civilized human being. you were really upset and i didn't even know what i'd done. Him - (screaming) WHILE I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU! Me - (i smile) okay (i get back in my car) bye. he then got in front of my car. it took some negotiating but he finally got out of the way. This has been souprman vapes for the first time in three weeks reads 4 crazy pages of threads and then rambles on without filter or consideration of anyone's potential interest in his bullshit. ps this thread was v entertaining. i will now go back and like almost every post of course excluding Blink and Andrew my sworn enemies. pps norm is actually my secret favorite. after mikebonetti of course duh, silvr also v goofd -v stand fer.. yep.. ppps old people r okay.