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Everything posted by souprman

  1. be more nice. be more nice. be more nice.
  2. it's weird what people will read into things isn't it?
  3. thank you for liking our posts last week and we are happy to have you back
  4. talk about conflating things i like and turning me into a pervert.
  5. I do. I like Gadget Man as well. I'll pretty much watch anything w Stephen Fry, Richard Ayoade, Jimmy Carr, or Frankie Boyle.
  6. just found out my favorite pop-quiz Never Mind the Buzzcocks was cancelled and am very pissed and upset. fuck you BBC. fuck you very much.
  7. I HAD A GIRLFRIEND WHO MADE ME WATCH TIP/NUGK. THIS IS BULLSHIT. best part was when ADC said our names. I like the part w Chansing too. Those may noy have been part of podcast actual (just saw "the Marshingman" w george clooney) i'm not awake yet. EDIT> CORRECTION it's "the Marshington Man" w Birdley cooper. DOUBLE EDIT> THIS SHIT IS FUNNY (podcast-wise) TRIPLE EDIT> imma listen to this ep again and you lame ass honkeys cant do nuthin to stop me. fuckin honkeys.
  8. it'sa like dis guy, he hava no a-cultural sensativitti!
  9. My moms wont let me have the Facebook. They say its a construct of the sexist patriarchal paradigm. Typical lesbo bs.
  10. top five guesses for what JacobC's actual last name is. 1. Crights 2. Clights 3. Cnights 4. Cites 5. Clump-Frights
  11. you take that back godddamnitt those mofo's are al-dente-as-fuck!!
  12. souprman

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    It's crazy how bloodshot Emilio's eyes are in the majority of this movie. musta been hangin w this guy too much
  13. souprman

    EPISODE 120 - Masters of the Universe

    I was searching for this video about how She-Ra teaches kids about the occult that I saw years back, but I couldn't find it. I did find this.
  14. random thoughts. mutchotchkes. (is that a joke? lmk) #classicNorm. thanks BONEzone. i felt it was someone else's turn to go there. on both accounts. (Lizmuffins killlinngg 2; the Reckoning) earlier today i failed miserably at making people jealous that my shitty phone can order shitty pizza. offensive line my ass. don't say "Atlanta's on fire" with such a hard stop and no modifier. it's makes people nervous. here's dinner. it's a tomato free sauce with chicken, summer squash, mushrooms, red bell ppr, onion, basil, and spinach. here it is plated w spaghetti. yeah.
  15. Fuck that. Murder the asshole.
  16. is football podcasts? are podcasts church?
  17. souprman

    EPISODE 120 - Masters of the Universe

    hey guys. it's souprman here. did a spooky october name change. yesterday i pulled a movie/podcast double feature. did maximum overdrive and masters of the universe straight through. it was exhausting. i have to listen to the very end of the masters pod cause i was fading hard. anyway read a bunch of both forums. great stuff. i have nothing to add except that i really enjoyed both these ep's. live sound on max od was i think the best live sound i've ever heard an earwolf podcast. it was like wait wait don't tell me good. also i think MOTU is a fucking great film. i'm not kidding. i don't see why these jerks are making fun of it. okay. that is all.
  18. i'm just giving ron hog some material to get his precious likes.
  19. christian + science? that's already a fuck you. then you want pretend to be be credible journalists based off that genius combo? now i'm supposed to accept your opinion on football? why don't you have some insight into why a christian beats his child till his poor little nuts bleed? what? no insights there christianity? science? nothing? assholes.
  20. FUCK CHRISTIANITY AND IT'S SCIENTIFIC VOODOO. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2015/1004/Why-the-Denver-Broncos-should-beat-the-Minnesota-Vikings
  21. as if we're not hearing enough about this on twitter already Valerie. Jeez. (do let us know how the party @ Vipr Rm goes tho.)