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Everything posted by souprman

  1. we all do our best to rationalize away our failures.
  2. Weather Report - Temp - 68 F DewPoint - 48 F > #i'mlovin'it #greatbitchanson #deathtoamerica #sorryifiupsetanyone
  3. souprman

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Okay last thing - Favorite parts of this grep: #dinolivesmatter - 'Zouks "He doesn't do shit". -JDR
  4. souprman

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    As I was watching this I kept thinking how a lot of this looks kinda cool, it was of course continually undercut by pure dreck. But some of the odd low/high camera angles and garish colors reminded me of Coen Bros or Terry Gilliam style techniques. When they got to the night club scene I was reminded of the Circus-Circus scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which was filmed at least 5 years after Theo Rex and clearly was trying to hew as close as possible to the original drawings by Ralph Steadman. So my thought was perhaps the club scene in Theo Rex was inspired by Steadman's drawings? But then I remembered thinking the Skeksis in Dark Crystal also looked a bit like Steadman's work as well. Then I remembered this scene from F&LiLV and now I don't know what to think.
  5. souprman

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    I was also baffled by how pleased the Toymaker was after his toy blew up (never mind how anyone survived being in such close proximity to a giant fireball.) He pops his head up out of the rubble, looks around, and smiles and nods at his now completely fucked up factory. Why are you so goddamned happy you just blew up all your intricate shit dude?!
  6. I'm a dinosaur now. Grrrr. Roar. Etc. (it's an HDTGM thing. Y'all wouldn't understand.)
  7. souprman

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    He's also similarly totally fine with walking through a museum full of dinosaur bones. If any human walked into a building that seemed to house exclusively human bones staged in various ways, would they then proceed to have a light hearted conversation about anything?
  8. If that's a U2 reference I'm pretty sure you're beefing with honlads now too.
  9. souprman

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Holy shit you guys! I haven't listened to the ep and I'm only 30+ mins into the... film? But I am SO FUCKING INTO THIS!!!! I'm going bonkers. I barely had the vaguest memory of this existing and never saw a frame of it in the day. It's just so beautiful guys. Question: Can a movie ever have enough bits where a character is alternately clever with, and then completely unaware of, his own tail? I think it's pretty clear the answer is: NO. No it cannot. Okay back to this... thing?
  10. souprman


    Not picking on you (just a nit) *I can handle it. but I really doubt that whole archives will ever see their way to torrent. *Pretty sure some exist already. I'm a long-term expat and have to rely on torrents for things because there is absolutely no other way to view them, but torrent sharing is dying except for only the biggest movies and TV shows. *I know this explicitly to not be the case. He did say "d/l to the app", *He did, which begs the question if it's dl-able on one device why not another? The app doesn't prevent the file from being dropped to a harddrive, it just makes it a slightly more laborious endeavor. I guess it leaves out people who want their own personal archive of podcasts sitting on their HD, but that can be a very large percentage, can it? *I know this was a typo but yes, if you've been reading the forums you'd know it can. thanks.
  11. Oh cool. I have Top Dog dl'd but still haven't gotten to it. Hopefully I can do it tomorrow and then get to the threads. Thanks for the heads up! If I change my username I will premier it on the next thread. edit>or will the party be over by then? reEdit> just saw TheoRex is up. urgggh! I'll try to get on it.
  12. that dog don't hunt son...
  13. souprman


    Sorry man, I don't want to brow beat you but this is confounding the shit out of me.
  14. souprman


    Thanks Adam, I just can't rap my head around the sensibility in - now the content is free and downloadable and moving it to - not free and not downloadable. It just doesn't track. What would Earwolf be losing by allowing paying users to download it. Believe me as soon as it goes behind a paywall there will be torrents up of the complete archive, it will be out there no matter what you do. So why not treat your loyal customers who have been your entire cache for building your brand with the respect they deserve and not make policy that is tantamount to a punishment for said loyalty? I'm not trying to be rude, but this makes no sense to me. I get you want to protect your revenue stream, but no matter what there will be the Earwolf faithful paying those monthly rates, so what's to lose? Thanks again, Pete.
  15. Also (that's right, there's more) I have to say I enjoy the sound of people laughing as a rule, a hard rule. I would have to attribute it to this goddamned heart and soul and all it's accompanying emotional empathy I've been fucking cursed with. I don't know. Maybe I'm just flawed. I guess during the course of living a non-sheltered life, I have come to expect the sound of people other than myself laughing, y'know during the course of a comedy type show. I know, I'm a pill!
  16. Couldn't agree more Cam. Love the new nom de Forum btw!
  17. "Alex, I'll take 'things that needn't have been iterated' for $1000". I prefer a fast burn approach sometimes. Take note Parties. (that's a double burn folks)
  18. souprman


    Hey Adam, thanks for taking the time. I am neither an android nor an ios user. In order for the new arrangement to work for me the whole catalog needs to be downloadable from the website. Is this in the works as well? I'm more than willing to pay and in fact have already subscribed. But continuing to do so will be contingent on not being reliant on an app. Thanks, Pete.
  19. Big second on the SteveH sentiment from VB. VB I just felt I couldn't shy away from you being susceptible to the draw of the porn. I'll take in-between love and hate though. Personally I love Chanson and I'm really mad at Joe for saying that.
  20. [interior Silvrwoman's cottage in Pleasant Hills (unincorporated)] Silvrwoman nods in approval and hits 'post' Norm bursts in and starts to strangle her. "You don't criticize grammar in fan-fiction!!" He screams. "Would...aghhh...you like ....grgchch... a scone?" Silvrwoman manages to croak out. "Maybe later, thank you!!!! Now you die!!" [interior chemical injection room at San Quentin federal penitentiary] The Corrections Officer adjusts the last strap securing Norm to the table. "Any last words you sick son-of-a-bitch?" he asks. "She made a good scone, so.... Worth it". The CO turns some dials and Norm's eyes roll in the back of his head. We see a reverse shot from the injection room and Silvrwoman's family are grieving and sobbing and consoling each other. "Her scones were not that good". Her mother says. "No, they really were not" says her uncle Blink. [fade] >
  21. [interior Chartreuse Room, White House] President Bonetti finishes reading the most recent post by robotam, turns to First Husband Parties. "By God I think he's done it Jeffrey". Jeffrey smiles, "That's nice dear". Just then Secret Service Agent Norm bursts in the room, "PRESIDENT BONETTI, DON'T READ IT, IT'S A TRAP!!" We see a reverse shot from Secret Service Agent Norm's pov and see Pres. Bonetti melting into the carpet. "Goddammit I'm too late!" Screams Norm as he falls to his knees. "Oh don't mind him Norman, he's just being dramatic. Scone?" Asks Jeffrey. "Don't mind if I do". >
  22. Oh hell yes! Earwolf needs waaaay more Brandon Johnson!