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Everything posted by souprman

  1. This was weirdly the most effusive and forthcoming with the comedy he's ever been. Even though it was a bit. I had that thought as well. But it was probably just a riff.
  2. So much for democracy Jeffrey Hussein Obamacare Parties.
  3. "Do you, um, remember that time, uh, you guys made, like,The Joshua Tree? That was awesome".
  4. I loved it but it was way too short. I think it's time for another all Traci ep, this time with Womp & Lis.
  5. Holy shit I love these assholes.
  6. I don't know, besser.com doesn't say. Hey was that Kate from Thunderdome?
  7. Dammit. He finally reads one of my questions and doesn't say my name. It was the "unpopular beliefs in circle of friends" one.
  8. Welcome to the thread Norm. EDIT> NORM? NORM?? I WAS KIDDING NORM. dammit.
  9. Well I guess we know WENGERT! and Gabrus wil be on I4H #200.
  10. Having a bit of a loff are we? -Derek
  11. www.http//computer.com/spaghetti.gov
  12. 1. Jesus and Buddha 2. Hope and Crosby 3. Shields and Yarnell
  13. WELP, just downloaded er, Earwolf.
  14. I'm pretty sure we're all the same person today...,., FREAKINNNGTHE FUCKOUT!!!
  15. yesterday I almost just randomly posted this thought but held back, something like: JUST GET GELMAN BACK ON THE FUCKING PODCAST ALREADY! Now I wish I woulda.
  16. So that guys name is Eli. He ran a seedy dive bar in the middle of downtown Minneapolis, back when downtown's were actually seedy, called Eli's Bar. Eli passed in the early 90's and ownership passed to his sons who renovated and expanded and the bar is still there today: http://elisfoodandcocktails.com/ My D was a bookie who ran the numbers for most of the North Downtown, Northeast (we say 'nordeast'), and North sides of town. Eli's was D's main headquarters. He used to take me with him on excursions to all the divey drinking holes on Monday's as he paid out or collected on debts. My godfather also owned a bowling alley/dive bar/pizza place/banquet hall (place was fuckin huge) but that's a whole other story. Anyway Eli's was the spot were D did all the big transactions. Eli was a straight up old-timey barkeep who provided safe haven for degenerate gamblers like dear ol' D. Nice guy. Always had a cherry coke on the bar for me without even being asked.
  17. I know that around that time he shot a verified hole in one but I don't know if that was the specific day. Actually I just went and dug this out- It's dated Aug 2000 so then I re-checked the golf course photo and sure enough it was taken in 2000 - no actual date. Still my old D may not have felt the need to put the date on the back of a photo - steel trap memory, you understand. So I'm guessing even if this wasn't the hole-in-one date, he still had a killer round. Pete didn't mug for photos when pissed off.
  18. sorry i'm in a bad mood. i just went through boxes and boxes of my dead d's shit i haven't looked at in years. sorry guys. EDIT> Here's the good part of old boxes- That's my D on the right with his 2nd wife Joanna next to him and his buddy Eli and his wife Shelly. I think they're in Hawaii. and I'd guess this to be circa 1982. Here he is at I think a golf course in 2001. Yes, his hat says "B.L.O.W.M.E. 2000" No idea what that means.
  19. You know what? I think now I WANT the shirts to be terrible. That would be super funny if after all the whinging away about not having shirts they turned out to be hideous. Sean this great idea is my bidet present to you. Is that satire?