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Everything posted by souprman

  1. I WANT TO HOST IT!!! (cue greggy)
  2. Hey Nerds! I'll admit right now I did not watch this movie. I will not. I just fucking wont goddammit. I have important things to do like re-listen to HeyNong Man (5 times so far). Speed read the thread as you may have guessed from how fast those likes just came. Here's what I got: PlanB's surpassed 2000 posts and CameronH has coined the term SharkNAYdo4 (Cam why not SharkNAYdont4fuckssake? just a thought) Congrats to both of them. Top notch work as usual fellow dorks. Great catch up. Talk soon.
  3. man, I would NOT want to be Bubba or Bucko right about now.
  4. I am beside myself with joy. Pissweak Productions. It's so good I can hardly stand it. Of course I know who Bud Tingwell is, but he's most famous in the States as "Matt" from Kangaroo. Here it's called "Win Some, 'Roos Some" because Kangaroo was a U.S. war hero who hosted a kids TV show. Is it true the original Charlie was let go because he lied about being part dingo?
  5. This beef is tearing us apart!!
  6. Adventures in the Skin Trade next to Good Ol' Snoopy? I wanna hang with you Rose_Cream!
  7. souprman

    26 We Can't Dance Together

    dear mods, I'm done now.
  8. souprman

    26 We Can't Dance Together

    Hey thanks for confirming I know the def of semantics. Thanks for stooping down to tell me where we are. Thanks for reiterating your obvious and already stated point about the sale of Midroll. You made a point about the sale of MR. SB overlooked or didn't make the connection between EW and MR, and both of you were rude and condescending about it. A detail, minor or otherwise, was the one thing standing between you guys having an actual dialog. "um,no." "you conveniently overlooked..." "did you even look..." "this is like trying explain stuff to Chad." This is not the stuff of which an effort to reach a meeting of minds is made. I get you don't like the criticism of your posts when you're in the midst of trying to be "more right guy", but since your alluding to obvious points about where we are and free speech etc you ought to be able to take it in stride. Again I wish you well.
  9. souprman

    26 We Can't Dance Together

    Okay cool. Weird that you started that out by saying you wouldn't answer and then did just that, Mr Literal. Here's my answer to yours- I care because I subscribe to this thread and you and mr saddlebags posts are a bit annoying. Esp because it's all public info easily found independently without making it a rather unfriendly sparring match on these boards. Further it was not a discussion as you were both being condescending and rude to each other and acting like each other were dimwits for the slight misunderstanding of language. Last point - semantics are the mechanics of language, so when two people are essentially saying the same thing yet quibbling over a minor detail, it is the very definition of semantics. This feels like willful misunderstanding on one of your two parts simply for the sake of trying to have an argument. I beg of you to just let it go. Also I agree with your Eww-Scripps joke thought and expect it to pop up asap. Best Wishes, souprman
  10. also I always thought Yahoo was trying to ride on the middling success of this not very good movie -
  11. I cannot wait for devscoots to speak on this. Young Einstein was actually nominated in 4 categories for the Aussie Oscars. My question is what beat it out? I'm guessing a Crocodile Dundee sequel. Is he like the Down Under Pauly Shore? So many questions. Like: Why? and What the Fuck? Please devscoots, Dairy Pillows, Weaselquist speak on this.
  12. souprman

    26 We Can't Dance Together

    answer my question and i'll answer yours.
  13. yes no optional it's kinda an Eskimo kisses w butts sitch.
  14. souprman

    26 We Can't Dance Together

    What exactly is the point of a semantic pissing match on this page?
  15. update: it was just my erection. there's nothing actually wrong with my pants.
  16. Guys my pants feel weird.
  17. Norm that's a podcast reference.
  18. Dear Dairy (Pillows), Hey. Whatcha doin'? Tell your diary I said whassup. Cool. -souprman
  19. If you can't you're not trying hard enough.
  20. He does that every so often.
  21. souprman

    Ask Paul!

    Very happy about this answer!
  22. mike never give Norm a straight answer. It's a trap.