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Everything posted by souprman

  1. Did it sound like PFT was heading into the melody of the intro to "Fairytale of New York" by The Pogues? and possibly paraphrasing "Stripes"?
  2. souprman


    I want Jason to berate my character for a full 5 minutes while Scott clarifies obvious points about what Jason is saying.
  3. souprman


    wow the freako's really came out for this thread.
  4. souprman

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    Backdoor Pilot/Crossover Ep.
  5. 21:34 - A Bear's Church Lady impression.
  6. Holy Shit Earwolf! Is it my birthday?! (checks driver's licence) It is not. I really should have known that.
  7. souprman

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-0pLiRP0JM Balki's beloved catchphrase.
  8. souprman

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    Hey Dong Man You 2 Talkin' 'Tang To Me 2 ?
  9. souprman

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

  10. souprman

    EPISODE 364 — The Marm of Smarm Returns

    YES YES YES!! Huge oversight. One of the best. AB-SO-LUTELY. This will be a high ranker for me. Top 5.
  11. Spunky asked us for our content at the end of the last thread so here is some of mine. Sometimes I am a musicman and here are some of the most recent musicsongs I did. It's just my pal Steve playing drums and me doing the other stuff recorded in my apt on the cheap. It can probably best be described as "some kinda rock-type-shit". Here are the ones I can almost still stand to hear. http://darkfield1.bandcamp.com/track/drones http://darkfield1.bandcamp.com/track/tonight-the-lights http://darkfield1.bandcamp.com/track/safe-to-begin http://darkfield1.bandcamp.com/track/riverside-park-at-night
  12. Did a shitload of balloons just fall from everyone's ceilings?
  13. souprman

    Ask Paul!

    Oh yeah, totally different stories, way different tone and characters. #10 is much darker and feels tighter, and gave us the breakout character of Myles Gooeyduk. #16 was so chaotic but much more sweet in sentiment. Both of these ep's lost me several times along the way, and I think you guys were losing the thread bit too, but were surprisingly solid in the second listen. Many of the last several episodes have felt equally chaotic. That's not a complaint, I love it when you guys push it into crazy-land. But it made me wonder; Is there a standard of quality control that you judge the episodes by, or is that more an attitude applied to scripted material? I guess I'm wondering would you ever not release a show because you felt it was lacking in some respect? Or, is your general mode of operation to trust the material to stand or fall on it's own, judgments be damned? So: 1. Is there any reason you wouldn't release a show? and, 2. Do you have a contingency for such an occurrence?
  14. we believe in you big guy!
  15. souprman

    EPISODE 364 — The Marm of Smarm Returns

    your posts always turn me on, but this one was all kinds of sexy.
  16. if you are get in the queue to hook up with VB.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-paxPlnKTs have a good weekend everyone.
  18. leave me alone scone! i din do nuthin to you!!
  19. this is real late and totally moot. I think Sean defending Mary Holland against Hayes' inadvertent misogyny is one of the funniest things ever to happen on the planet and shall be in aeternum erit. amen.
  20. this has become one of my most anticipated p'casts. guests have been really delivering great concepts. it's so good i wanna shave half my head and pierce my butt.
  21. goddammitt SteveH! he was so close.