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Everything posted by souprman

  1. gooble gobble, one of us, one of us. (google it,)
  2. souprman

    EPISODE 240 — Dippin Cakes

    @TVsAndyDaly?! i love that guy.
  3. souprman

    25 Grateful Chad

  4. souprman

    25 Grateful Chad

  5. i love this episode and i've listened 3 times. one of the all-time great WYR intros.
  6. souprman

    EPISODE 360 — Snow Dome

    if one argument is "you don't tell me what to do" and one is "there should be a certain quality to the posts here" neither of you are going to get any traction with the other. state your case for yourself clearly and let the likes sort it out. this is coming from someone everyone here knows can be a total asshole.
  7. hey scone i liked your dumb post cuz it made me laugh. edit> shit. you're gonna destroy me now aren't you?
  8. MattyB the Casey Kasem of improv. thanks for this Matt, solid info/guidance.
  9. happy 200 devscoots and great post! (Chanson, you snooze you lose)
  10. me wanty nom-noms? edit> in reply to SteveH
  11. i drew you this to aid your spirits in recovering. it's a robot head dropped on a scienceman's workshop floor and is leaking oil. as though that needed to be explained.
  12. souprman

    EPISODE 360 — Snow Dome

    i don't know guys. i was lmao for much of this. i thought paul was so willfully unfunny that it was hilarious. every lame thing he said set up classic scott aukerman riffage. i can't see how people don't love a guest who's sole purpose is to make scott frustrated. an angry scott aukerman is a funny scott aukerman. edit>also SA is cracking up during almost the whole ep, which is delightful.
  13. Ihavenoideahowyou'vedonemorethan-bye!
  14. i like your story but i got scared at the end 'cause suddenly there was some stranger there wiping your brow. then i realized Princeton is fancy and you probably have a valet that just does that.
  15. i feel like this guy was just on Hollywerd Handprint. but he's called Eggs so i must be thinking of someone else. also really really funny ep.
  16. souprman

    EPISODE 360 — Snow Dome

    SA - "...this is a large oak table that is an antique." JP - "is this an antique?" SA - "this is an antique, and it's carved from a giant redwood". oh scotty...
  17. heh... d's in the b...
  18. quit whinging and show us some D
  19. those guys were way better when they were on their whole existentialist trip when they were called John Paul Sartre & Ringo. but Simone de Beauvoir really tore that band apart.
  20. the minnesota public radio weather dude just said; "it's 72 with smoke". normally you can see the mpls skyline very clearly here. local news peoples get a shot of the opposite shore less than half-a-mile away. everything smells like camping fires.