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Everything posted by souprman

  2. souprman

    EPISODE 358 — Freddie Mercury To Me

    guys i have a good friend who lives in helsinki. trying to get a quote from him concerning hanford's accent. wish me luck.
  3. oh! SteveH is it going to be Fernando Valenzuela?
  4. Hey Besser. Thanks for having me on it was a lot of fun. I really like case closed and I like to argue, obviously. I do get too carried away so I'd like to offer a blanket apology to anyone who I was rude to. Clearly it is not personal since we are strangers. I am very sorry if I upset you at all. I get a little defensive to be lumped into certain types of ideologies. I think it's childish and unfair when this happens and it makes me react poorly as well. I like having this forum to discuss whatever. On HH forum we post pictures of our pets and breakfast, and this week some haiku's. On HDTGM we rip movies and each others analysis of them apart. On CBB we are pretty much just silly until someone says something mean, usually about a female comic, and then the regulars get in line to defend said comic. On HS we just say "we love you man!" On WSGLL and WIU forums it's kind of a mini CBB type thing. My point is the forums are diverse. But it seems like they represent a tiny fraction of listener-ship. I want to make a point to say Besser that this shit is great and you are doing something brave and unique. Case Closed is genius and inspiring and please don't stop. Some people are going to complain because that's just what people do. I think they are in the serious minority. There is actually a lot of support on the forum for this, it's just the naysayers tend to eat more vertical space than those who are on board. To those who are hurt or upset. Take heart in the knowledge that we are actually all on the same side and no one is supporting bigotry in any way. Peace & Love. (debating making a 'last post' joke hmmmm....)
  5. did you guys hear the new global release day for music is now Friday? why they do that? (sorry, i'll try that again) WHY THEY DO THAT, OBAMA?!
  6. why it take you so long Houston?
  7. in more civil news me and the one and only Veegs have been having a lovely PM chat. chew on that guys. yeah no joke.
  8. spoiler alert> mine still doesn't.
  9. i don't know who i've insulted too badly here. i've taken a bit myself so i guess it's about even. you however are clearly very funny so i'll defer to you on that one.
  10. the stars don't shine upon us we're in the way of their light.
  11. that was a joke pf. c'mon. lllaaaasssttt ppppoooosssstttttttttttttttt
  12. would you have enough to realize that pulling that quote out of context from a paragraph stating i find them equally to blame is a nasty thing to do? edit>sorry last post for realz guys
  13. hang on a sec. understanding something and accepting what it is is not tantamount to agreeing with it. edit>last post
  14. really informative stuff. last post really...
  15. This fucking keyboard warrior here thinks he's so clever. sriously thoghgh lasst poosst a whole shitload of balloons just fell from the ceiling.
  16. 'this is my last post'...... -Luke HENDERSON! mother-fucker!
  17. i just bristle at the idea that assigning blame, labeling everyone's actions, and shunning dissenters, is the top priority. understanding why things have gotten as bad as they are and making the correct reparations seems like a more positive direction to head in. the more we dig in to pockets of ideological isolation the worse things will get. understanding Kozelek's actions, like them or not, is pretty low on the list list of important issues concerning real crimes against equality. here's what i wrote to Kate after the show; i look at it like this Kozelek and Snapes behaved in the same disgusting manner. they disrespected each other's privacy and they made a public forum out of it. you could get into who did what first, but what's the point? assigning blame is the point. Here's where I get into why we need to understand what things mean. when Snapes called Kozelek's words misogynist she knew she was not telling a complete truth. as a writer she knows that misogyny is two-fold in definition. first being the hatred of or the discrimination against women. second is the learned and ingrained behaviors of misogyny. one could certainly make a valid argument that Kozelek's words are born out of an ingrained behavior learned from a misogynistic culture. but one could not determine Kozelek to be an outright misogynist, nor could they say his behavior was intentionally misogynistic, anything along those lines would be speculation. a negative word or comment toward a female is not explicitly malicious or misogynistic. "bitch" is not an analog to slanders on race or sexual preference. dick, prick, cock, pussy, bitch, motherfucker, cunt. this is the language we have inherited. these are words literally every person will use in company they are comfortable with. their use should not be taken as some kind of malevolent gender bias. the idea that Snapes, who is a professional journalist working for The Guardian & Pitchfork. who was savvy enough to get an email interview out of Kozelek, who was bold enough to defy his wishes and interview associates. the idea that she is somehow a total innocent, and a victim in this, is to me more demeaning to her then anything grumpy old Kozelek said. being a journalist is a tough tough racket, it is not for thin skinned, oblivious people. Snapes put herself in the story as much as Kozelek did. am I saying she's diabolical and totally to blame? no. i'm saying she's 50% to blame. but i think it's highly unethical of her to say he is an outright misogynist. her line about spewing his misogyny from; "...the cowardly remove of the stage." cowardly? remove? i don't understand how addressing 1200 people in room where someone is certainly recording constitutes either. i think she's a highly unethical journalist and i think Pitchfork and The Guardian are as well for pulling positive reviews of Sun Kil Moon's new record. honestly i'm pissed at Kozelek, he's way smarter, and much more eloquent than this. he's a goddamn wordsmith! i think Kozelek should shut the fuck up and write something that gets to the heart of why these journalists upset him so much. what's so weird is it's not been brought up at all that Kozelek has lived in or around the Castro neighborhood in San Francisco for over 25 years, one the most diverse urban areas in the country. he's a well known liberal and advocate for like fucking everything. he's written so many beautiful words about all walks of life that are so explicit and heartfelt. it's interesting you mention the Iranian woman's plight. on the new record Kozelek has a song that starts with a verse, told in 1st person, about a fan who see's a show and the band wont play the songs he likes and the singer insults the audience, etc. it's clearly the result of hearing these same complaints about his shows. so he than spends the next several versus outlining horrible tragedies that have happened to people he has known and stories he's read about from around the world. he's basically saying - hey, too bad your band didn't play your song but people out here in world got real problems. i guess i feel like Laura Snapes created her own problem, and now she wants to use it to elevate her actions. Kozelek said a bunch of ludicrous shit no one would assume to be true. no one thinks Snapes wants to fuck Kozelek and have his baby. that's because he's a preformer, his actions are meant to be taken as such. but Snapes is a journalist. her words are meant to be read as not just opinion but fact. i'll say it again; her positioning herself as a victim should be more demeaning to her esteem and credibility than anything Mark Kozelek said. i therefore have to concede 1 point back back to Kozelek giving Snapes 51% of the blame.
  18. i don't like Veegs decision to leave either...
  19. i'm a fancy fancy boy?
  20. i feel the shame you should for this. does that count?
  21. don't bother replying. that's my last post on this thread. edit> almost certainly wishful thinking.