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Everything posted by souprman

  1. digging the i3h 'sodes lately.
  2. i feel off. i feel too literal. i feel too literate. then i get lit. the sun goes down and those same words echo through the back of my brain - now it's dark. and accordingly i follow the shadows wherever they're leading me - someplace darker i presume. this is a dangerous place. yeah? show me someplace that isn't. silence. someone is standing behind the telephone pole on the corner, what the fuck does this joker want? they step forward. "where are you going?" the voice is clear and commanding but i can't make out a face. i strain for a detail but it keeps going out of focus. I think i catch a glimpse of an immaculately groomed beard and black-rimmed glasses. "i'm just seeing what's out here," i say. "i think i know what you're looking for," they say softly. "yeah, what's that?" i'm not sure why i'm entertaining this. "you're looking for, directions" they say. "oh really? well, where am i going?" there's pause and a soft chuckle. "you're already here dumb-ass."
  3. can't ul pics for some damn reason, some bullshit quota...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHoZtHGkxiA&feature=youtu.be sorry so late
  5. I'll totally shut up now.
  6. This is very well stated. A couple points I'd like to comment on if that's cool. >What did Sun Kil Moon go out in the swamp for? It was to be petty towards a journalist that was rude to him. True enough. >I don't know if it's misogynistic, but it is establishing power and dominance: if she hates me, it's only cause she wants to fuck me because I'm so great. This is where I feel people are missing or ignoring a significant part of the picture. This part of Kozelek's on stage persona is an act. He's playing the part because to a certain degree it's been foisted on him. It's him saying; "Look at me being the big bully they all think I am." He does this knowing his audience, who knows him, and knows the incredibly literate and literary and deeply incisive and personal nature of his work, he knows they know he's not actually like that. This is the context I keep going on about. If you come to it cold and just focus on the words he said - yeah, you'd pretty much have to assume he hated women or some proximity thereof. I'm fully prepared to enter the octagon.
  7. it's like you said - i'm not fan of this Hayes guy. who do he think he is being cool on this p'cast?
  8. UPDATE; thread holding together nicely. MY WEEK; bad sore throat many doctors. Anchorman say my words. PFT answer my question. I piss people off. Besser invite me on I4H. Throat start to feel better. WEATHER; Rain, Temp 60, Dew Point 59 WEED; Yep.
  9. you are adorable. I hope you work it out.
  10. that's funny stuff kids. you don't know me.
  11. context is the only way to appropriately judge any situation, that's why it's the only point I need to make and the only one you have to ignore to be so willfully obtuse. if you don't understand the facts of a situation how can you say - this is just wrong? furthermore - why would you? what's your agenda? equality and respect? if that's is the case i have to tell you it comes off more like intolerance and censorship. if you "get" why Kozelek said those things it would then be easy to see that it wasn't meant as hate against women, and that's the point - what did the artist mean? not - what's the worst possible meaning I can extrapolate from it? do you see how there's a difference between offensive context and an agenda of hate? or do you not make such a distinction? anyway I wish you luck in your quest to build a world where no one is offended or more importantly actually hurt by someone something says. that place sounds fucking lame. oh is lame a sideways slam on the differently-abled? or is it hate speech against horses?
  12. the power people are so willing give to words to sway their emotions. if you know your own mind you needn't be a proxy for the possible offense of others.
  13. 1st are these two men strangers? Do they know each other at all? Do theym;dkgsapr k g] ropskg;lrsd this is so boring kids. Have fun being offended by every little fucking thing. It's really gross. \ EDIT> context kids context.
  14. men have been calling each other bitches for a long time - is that just a roundabout misogyny? I agree calling someone a pussy is so because there is no other context for it. funny how that word context keeps coming up, as though nothing is just completely good or bad black or white. hmmm...
  15. This needs to be said - Kozelek has at least a dozen songs about how much he loves his cats, I am not kidding. How bad can the guy be? here's proof-
  16. so any time female gender is part of the context of an insult it is hate-speech and misogyny?
  17. I feel like that attitude unfairly puts women in the default position of victim no matter what the context. That seems like some kind of inverse misogyny. The point of Kozelek's words weren't; hey this woman is over here being a woman doing these women things stupid women can't help but doing cause she's a woman, y'know because I uniformly am attacking an entire gender. Steph Allynne says it best at 1:15:09.
  18. so your two points are; 1. discrimination against those who have not historically been discriminated against is okay. 2. some crazy shit about how you are able to wildly read subtext into things that are not explicit or apparent on any level and don't actually address the subject at hand. cool.
  19. souprman

    22 Benny and The Jerks

    This ep was awesome. I say pretty much the same thing every time here so I figure I might as well say it again. I love hearing these folks talk, I hate it when it ends. More please thank you.