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Everything posted by souprman

  1. I hope it's not too late to say hello to more people. Can't think of anyone right now. Check back later.
  2. Charlie I'm switching out the Kevin James thing for the Power of David Bowie. That's probably unfair but I'm a big cheater so whateverwhatever.
  3. I've told her like a thousand times she's not my real mom.
  4. For my next pick I draft: Those commercials where Kevin James' sitcom characters empower each other to eat a fried chicken breast in two bites. Thank you. edit> im regretting this pick. will update.
  5. I haven't posted yet this week but I've thought about it a few times. Maybe I'll get around to it. I'm enjoying you dorkuses' postifications though. Oh hell, I'll just put this up, I thought it was super dorky but what the heck. I'll also say hi to some people I haven't said hi to in a while-time. Jeffrey Sweet Jeffrey Samara the Mean Smashley Trashley Annie Fanny Bobanny Fee Fi Fo Fanny Annie Jude the Rude Dude with a Badd Attitude Namron the Nice (eyeroll) Kevin O'Brien a real person C-man the Chan-Dawg Liz Muffins of the Boston Muffins' New York Mike the guy who is walkin' here fuggettaboutit bagels Nice Alana from down under. and last but not least The Mad Baller, The Master Blaster, The Monsoon from Bostoon: Mike Bonnetti!! love you guys. #hollywoodhandbook4life edit>shit i forgot New York Jack the guy who's walkin' here fuggettaboutit pizza
  6. souprman

    Episode 440 - Pop-TarTender

    yeah it's like the setup isn't as funny as the punchline! what's the deal with that? why can't all the parts of the joke telling be equally as funny?!!
  7. souprman

    Episode 440 - Pop-TarTender

    what do you like done to your penis and by whom?
  8. greggy I'll trade you this nice picture (draft) of the Washington monument - -for that tahini (making hummus later). edit>fixed
  9. i can't explain it but it makes sense that the ep of WC with clem is a 69.9 mb file. i don't know what the extra .9 is but i'm sure it's dirty.
  10. points. oh also we're known as Hayzies or Boneheads. Boneheads is kinda like Parrotheads where it doesn't refer to the artist rather something the artist is associated with. In this case it's boners obviously.
  11. the most embarrassing part of this is that they were both wearing the same outfit when they wrote these posts.
  12. oh cool, hollywood handbook has taught me most of what i know about the internet.
  13. souprman

    Episode 438 - Hair Take It

    oh man, I hate it when my homophobia seethes, as if the burning itching rash weren't bad enough. #funnyjoke
  14. souprman

    Episode 438 - Hair Take It

    I hope I'm not too late to say something confusing and aggressive about Cameron's hair and clothes.
  15. greggy please tell me I did it right.
  16. oh man! this whole time I've been saying "the "J" jar".
  17. souprman

    Episode 437 - Fart Face Fuckers 2

    next time please include some shots of robobeard in action. thank you.
  18. they weren't really my jams. I lied. sorry everyone.
  19. hey those are my jams...