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Everything posted by souprman

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TZldDD5L90
  2. EDIT> sorry wrong forum! hey while I'm here, great ep of Hollywood Handbook. another dream guest off the list.
  3. souprman

    Episode 436 - Rich Mind Vain

    Face Like Thunder does an amazing Nolte.
  4. Hi Andrew. I'm a big Mountain Goats fan. The records Tallahassee & We Shall All Be Healed are a good place to start. It's the point between the lo-fi/boombox era and the studio/full-band era. going forward or backward from that point will give you a good rounded taste of what MG's do. Lo-fi records I like: Coroner's Gambit, All Hail West Texas, Zopilote Machine, Nothing For Juice. Hi-fi records I like: (beside the aforementioned Tallahassee & WSABH) Sunset Tree, All Eternals Deck, Heretic Pride. There's a pretty uniform approach to structure in the MG's catalog, the one outlier being Get Lonely, where instead of his usual nasal whine and heavy attack on acoustic guitar he sings in mostly a falsetto and piano is the lead instrument. It's very good and I highly recommend it. Here's the first track. cheers.
  5. souprman

    Episode 436 - Rich Mind Vain

    he did Nolte on SPONT ep's 10&19 too.
  6. souprman

    Episode 436 - Rich Mind Vain

    they better not talk about Hayes. he'll be so pissed... also hope he doesn't talk about the secret forum. they'll be so pissed. edit>on no.
  7. guys one of the boys sean is onthe bang bang clem dawg on the cbb guysguys sean!!!! EDIT>GUYSWHATROBOTMANSAID!!!
  8. irony is still the theme of the thread right?
  9. I accept your proposal. but I'm not signing your damn prenup. relationships are built on trust after all. I'll text you my mom's # so you can ask for my hand. edit>I may have misread the signals.
  10. i got it mwn. like when you ironically don't like one of my posts. (sniffles, clears throat) funny stuff.
  11. this is a an actual picture of Jackal's house. I always love my drive thru visits to his place.
  12. @gollstone Shh... I want that post from greggy.
  13. totally. totally spied that. headshake was appropriate.
  14. (fingers crossed greggy notices gollstone isn't yet utilizing imgur)
  15. souprman

    Episode 248 - Choco Figgy Nut

    I just wanted everyone to know I'm in their corner and I support them 100%.
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPUNKY!!! hope I'm not too late! edit> oh dear....always read the forum b4 posting soup smh...
  17. I'd vote for a greggy/norm ticket if they promised to be the first ever co-presidents.
  18. the following is 100% true. i'm still not entirely sure what pokeman is/are. i know there are a bunch of characters but i don't know how their universe manifests. by context i have some theories however which i will share with you now. 1. a cartoon 2. a video game. 3. a series of playing cards. i think i remember a child who was not mine gave me a card once with what may have been a pokeman on it. but now that i think about it it may have had a thing i remember was called batz maru on it, which also is a thing that i still don't know what it is. 4. a mass hallucination projected into our brains by aliens. 5. the animated representations of members of a band a'la gorillaz. 6. garbage for garbage people and their garbage babies. 7. a marketing campaign designed to get people to wear as many conflicting patterns and color schemes as possible. 8. an enterprising pedophile or sociopath's clever way of luring children into the woods or traffic. if feel like it could be any or all of these things but i'm certain i'm just too old to really understand. oh this episode was great and i didn't know who these guys were either but after listening i'm certain they are funny people. BUT, you listen to me judge apatow, if you think that guy or any other guy was better or is better than sean clemdawg clements at being funny THEN YOU ARE ALL FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD BRO. okay bye.
  19. Hey Sean and Hayes which one of you thinks I can jump higher? please note: I cannot jump very high.
  20. Jeff can you offer any insight as to what your next post will be about? There's been a lot of chatter speculating it may reference this most current post or it may be a whole new topic. Some even believe you may reveal a hidden message was indeed present in the post. Care to comment? Jeffrey? Do you have any comment? Hello, Jeff? Jeffrey teetered back from the podium that had been placed at the corner of his block, clicked back to his homepage, put his phone in his pocket and turned toward the sidewalk. He shuffled along in a bit of a fog. It may have been the lack of sleep. Or the cough syrup. Perhaps the Ambien. There was no way to be sure. Maybe it was the knowledge that he had a leak in his most trusted inner circle. How the hell did souprman know about the hidden message. There was no way to be sure. He crossed the street and started walking down one of those city block long construction tunnels. Halfway down he heard a noise behind him. He turned and looked but the noise stopped. This happened again and then again, each time the noise sounding closer and closer. The sound was odd but had a distinct pattern, like the pop of a suction cup followed by a dragging sound. Jeffrey ran out of the tunnel and into the street nearly getting hit by a cab that was driving here(!). He crossed the street and ran into the dark entryway of one of the small shops. The sound started up again: pop! draaaaag pop! draaaaag. Jeffrey steeled himself as a shadow encroached on his refuge. Then the sound suddenly stopped. "Hey Jeff, just wondering if I could get that quote real quick" a voice said from the darkness. Jeff leaned forward and his eyes adjusted, "Soup?! What the hell man?!" He looked down and saw that souprman was carrying a plunger in one hand and a 2x4 in the other. "Why do you have those?!" Soup looked down seeming genuinely surprised he was holding anything. "Oh..... y'know I can't even remember why I have these. Anyway, Jeff, stop trying to evade the question. Please the people want to know! C'mon Jeff GIVE US SOMETHING!!" "I DON'T KNOWWW!!" MikeBonetti bolted upright in his bed screaming. He wiped the beads of sweat from his brow with the Boston Baked Beans towel he'd had since he was old enough to say Red Sox and ask people he didn't know how their mother was doing. These goddamned dreams, these fucking crazy goddamned dreams. He thought maybe relocating would stop these crazy forum dreams but in fact they seemed to be getting worse. He theorized maybe it was being in closer proximity to the boys and earwolf. Maybe just being in Los Angeles in general. There was no way to be sure. Maybe the dreams were some kind of hidden message like the ones you would interpret from cryptic dreams. Or like some kind of code you need a cipher to break. Or like dreams. There was no way to be sure. No way to be sure at all. >to be continued? idk...
  21. Psycho©Andy! did I do it right Spunky?
  22. I don't subscribe to this belief system because fyi religion has killed more people than all wars combined.
  23. I'm going to listen to this episode before I decide if it's Andyriffic or Andytastic.
  24. long laugh breaks. long scenes. running callbacks. pure genius. I've listened to this ep 3 times now. not only do I think it's the best Horses ep, I think it's one of the all time best I4H ep's. up there with What's Your Profession, 200th, Dan Deacon, Invited to an Invite, These Fat Cracker's, Shoehorn Story, (okay every ep w Gemberling and Gil Ozeri.) we even get a little (un-named) Pamela from BigBear at the end.