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Posts posted by souprman

  1. I've never seen Jurassic Park, because my parents thought it would be too spooky for me when it first came out, and I've never gotten around to seeing it. Is it too late for me? Should I just live my life vaguely aware of the context of some dreamy Jeff Goldblum gifs?

    lizzy a thousand time yes!

    any Goldblum movie is worth seeing.

    one of my favorites, it's been mentioned briefly in this forum, is the little known Vibes starring Goldblum & Cyndi Lauper as psychic detectives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yeah, no, yeah, I know right?!! yeah. seriously.

    • Like 6

  2. I'm relistening to every episode again.

    It honestly gets funnier every time.

    And yet I get sadder every time, as the realization that I listen to the same podcast over and over means I'm probably some sort of insane person with little meaning in his life.

    So mixed feelings.

    JacobC we go through this every week.

    This isn't a podcast forum.

    It's a padded cell in a mental institution you've been locked in since you did (that thing) to (those people) on (that holiday) just like (what's his name) in (that movie).

    Hope this helps (this time)

    Love, your super bananas brain.

    • Like 7

  3. Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't been on the forums all week. I assume this was discussed somewhere in the previous 11 pages. I was in the middle of the country(United States). It was a strange place, had no oceans.


    I listened to this ep Tuesday morning during my flight and it was fantastic. It made me chuckle during some turbulent times in the flight.

    I was worried sick!


    quick recap:

    pages 3&4 have some nice pictures submitted for sillylilly's drawing contest.

    then it's a lot of pages of confusing entreaties to support a candidate(?) for the new Earwolf CEO.

    page 8 has my bike ride photo (sorry for the personal plug i'm just very proud)

    on page 10 Jeffrey gets some righteous anger out on the thread.

    JacobC & LizMuffins popped in to voice their confusion towards the thread.

    and then Andrew nerds-out for Lonely Island.


    pretty good forum except for your absence.


    peace & love, soup.

    • Like 13

  4. Folks, you know me. You understand that as a known atheist, felon, manic-depressive, drug addict, bi-sexual, and nature lover I have embraced chaos. You know I came to this forum back in February 2015 with the sole intention of disrupting the hierarchy and wresting the unfair distribution of likes from the top 1% of the top 10%. I have cheerfully reminded you all time and time again that you are all going to die, the system is rigged, and #fuckNorm. You know I have made friends, enemies, frenemies, mended fences, penned tomes, rolled oates, halled oates, fought crows, fell through loopholes, went to the bonezone, and ate vegan bologna. I have seen the polemic in the median and run it over. I have taken a leak on a four leaf clover. I have cool underwear and really nice hair. I sometimes rhyme but not in this instance. What am I getting at? Well I just wanted to know if you guys want to see a picture of me riding my bike? You do? YAY!


    as for politics:




    • Like 22

  5. I'm officially putting in my bid to become the CEO of midroll media. My first act as CEO would be to cut up all of the shoes on the wall and make them into a quilt that would be big enough for 3-4 people to snuggle underneath of. This quilt would be draped over top of all podcast hosts and their guests at the beginning of each episode, and would remain in place until each podcast recording has finished. I would also make someone make the Howl App better. If this post gets more than 10 likes, Scripps will have no choice but to crown me king of podcasts, and all podcasts will be under my control. Thank you.

    Jeff I hope you get to 10 likes.


    let me know if there's anything I can do to help.




    edit>this is a classic exchange between me and Jeff based on our mutual dislike for a particular action. I don't expect you to care.

    • Like 10