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Posts posted by chicknsandwich

  1. Hey guys. this isn't an April Fools joke I SWEAR!


    I've recently been writing for my local e-newspaper and have been churning out some interesting articles. I hope that you all can spare the time to check it out.


    Recently, Dave Matthews came to visit our town, so I was able to get a good piece out about that. There is a ton of stuff soon to come on this website, so I'd advise you guys to bookmark it and check in from time to time and maybe see what's going on.





    • Like 14

  2. I'm annoyed I have to scroll down for a few more secs to get here because of all these new Wolfpop forums.


    I'm NOT saying I support this kind of stuff, but I wouldn't mind if we employed a "separate but equal" strategy with these folks.


    I'm fine if they wanna chat about Maltin on Movies, just keep it away from OUR forums.

    • Like 7

  3. What can I say that hasn't already been said?

    Where may I tread that hasn't already been tread?

    Is there a spot that hasn't already been shot?

    An area of conversation that I may squat?

    A funny ep, this was.

    Why was it funny? Just cuz!

    A good cup story that totally rocked my world!

    A Deadpool impression that almost made me hurl!

    So this is where I leave you:

    That episode was pretty dang great!


    • Like 12

  4. This is like a thought experiment. If you were hypothetically catfishing a well known sociopath billionaire and it was going all right and he seemed to like you but you just weren't really connecting... What are some things you could say or do to make him want to give you lots of money? Hypothetically.




    Also it's not Donald Trump.


    send Scrooge McDuck nudey pics

    • Like 11

  5. Hey guys, this is Frank Zappa! I play the guitar and was a major player in musical movements such as JAZZ FUSION.


    I wanted to let you all know that this cool kid named CHICKNSANDWICH has a rockin' good podcast called Chickn on the Range that like 12 people listen to!


    It's really funny and silly, just like my MUSIC!


    My Guitar might Wanna Kill Your Mama, but my heart just wants you to listen to this super cool kid goof around.




    He put up a new ep today. The link's in my signature!

    • Like 19

  6. Sean talking about improvising and making mistakes that you seamlessly weave into the narrative of your story reminded my of a boat.


    Oh wait lol i didn't mean to say "a boat".


    "a boat" what am I a frigging Canadian?


    Imagine a Canadian on a boat and he's all like "what's this all, a boat?" and then no one can tell if he's saying "about" or "a boat". Imagine that on a funny tee.




    chickn's back, baby B)

    • Like 22