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Posts posted by CommentsFromMyPocket

  1. 1. who told Dr. Wu not to tell anyone? and why?

    2. how did they charge the battery? even the replacement one would have been 20 years old. and dead.

    3. there was so much product placement! samsung experience, samsung galaxy, beats headphones, coca-cola bottles ALL OVER THE PLACE, numerous shots of mercedes-benz logo. a verizon wireless dinosaur. starbucks.

    4. it felt like way more than 3 minutes. I had the same problem with 2014 godzilla.


    1. Are we going to show Dr. Wu on conference calls and VO of him reading emails?


    2. I will give you this. IRL they're not starting that fucking car. Mice have eaten the wiring and it's not moving.


    3. Most of the product placement actually makes sense. It's an amusement park. Try going to Disney and not seeing a sponsor's logo. I'm surprised that the animals in Animal Kingdom have not had Sprint logos shaved into their fur.


    There is no more or no less of a logic gap in this film than there is in the original. There are a ton of movies that should get episodes before this including TWO in this franchise alone.

    • Like 3

  2. Speaking of his character, I was sort of put off by the monetary stupidity of the top level characters in this corporation for JW. In one scene the owner of the company tells Chris Pratt that they aren't ready to kill their new dinosaur because it cost them $26 million to create it, despite it killing two park workers already. Yet in the Lost World in a deleted scene they talk about how much InGen lost in lawsuits to the families of those killed in the first film with Muldoon family getting something like $30 million and Sam Jackson's Mr. Arnold getting like $23 million, so the loss of $26 million should be a drop in the bucket compared to the potential lawsuits coming their way. Also, shouldn't that park be making money hand over foot?


    Yeah, to quote Gennaro "We can charge whatever we want". I'm pretty sure they went that route.

  3. I'm Devon Butler!


    I saw this for the first time tonight (It's on HBOGo for anybody who has it). I think this would be a damn good film for HDTGM to do. Holy shit, did I just refer to this piece of steaming shit as a "film"?...fuck me...Anyway, pre-resurrection Burt Reynolds just does not give a fuck about this film. I can't help but be impressed by the performance of Norman D. Golden III who was found after what must have been an exhaustive two hour open-call where they saw five, maybe six (tops!) child actors.




    - drug dealer's drug ammo belt

    - reuse of the line "I don't like to run" pretty sure it's duplicated ADR

    - Bobo (the real Bobo, not the Bobo Bobo) portrayed as the biggest, baddest bastard in the biker bar...then riding off with Maxwell Caulfield's helmet from Grease 2


    I would love to see HDTGM do an episode on this maybe purely to hear Jason's rage.


    Henry Winkler has appeared on Children's Hospital & Comedy Bang Bang, so who knows, maybe he can be in on the fun. I did like this from IMDB:


    This is the second and final film directed by Henry Winkler.


    As I previously noted, The Fonz is still alive so the use of the word "final" is pretty telling of this film's performance.


    I almost just typed "It wouldn't have been a skeleton, it would have been a frozen carcass, which would be even scarier", but then I realized that the place hasn't had power in 22 years, so of course it wouldn't still be a working freezer, dummy. But still, inside a sealed indoor space, I feel like it wouldn't have fully decomposed.



    Or if they just found Samuel L. Jackson, walking around, one-armed, ragged, deranged...like a more able-bodied version of his character from Black Snake Moan

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  5. It's on my Netflix queue. Writer/director Jordan Rubin was the guest on Ep 105 - Safe Haven when it initially came out. He plugged it during the show.


    EDIT - I just watched this. Yes. It's fucking bonkers, but not sure it's fit for the show. There are some titties for Jason though.


    Actually, I could watch a full movie of Joseph and Luke driving through the country hitting shit.


    Yep, I pretty much agree with all of this, especially about the relative restraint with the CGI - good mix of new dinos and the classics, and the stuff with the new ones never felt like they were over-doing it or just showing off like the second and (especially) third movies sometimes did.


    Speaking of comic relief (and I'll put this in a spoiler tag, but it's a VERY minor spoiler at worst),



    "Oh, no, I have a boyfriend" got the biggest laugh in my theater, which made me very happy.




    Yep. Same here. That bit was perfect. Also,



    I guess I got my Carnotosaurus finally


  7. For anyone who's on the fence and wants my two cents, Jurassic World is pretty awesome, and I was pleasantly surprised by a few things that are referenced in this thread popping up.



    It's the second best JP film. It's a fun film. in no way flawless, but not the CGI-gasm I was expecting. The leads held their own, the story was (contextually) plausible, the comic relief was well timed and hit the mark, and the effects made sense. My biggest real gripes were with direction and scoring. I felt like there were a lot of chances to make this film an experience like the original with better shots and music cues (T-rex entrance). I don't think this is a knock on Trevorrow's work so much as an appreciation for Spielberg.

    • Like 1

  8. That was the great thing about that console generation, each system had something different as a way to make you want it. They try and do that now with console exclusive games, but eventually most end up on every system. If you haven't already read it I suggest reading Console Wars by Blake Harris, it goes into the rise of Sega and the Sonic franchise against the Mario/Nintendo empire. The behind the scenes mayhem of creating an impressive console and game is amazing along with the racial politics that essentially destroyed Sega in the 90s.


    Thanks man! I'll check that out. Sounds like a good read.

  9. The number of times Cruise tells people that he is a doctor as though that gives him special powers.


    This was the single most frustrating part of the movie.


    Lolita threesome with weird Asian men.


    Lolita played by Leeloo Solbioski (aka Bobo Helen Hunt)

  10. Yeah Jurassic Park was one of the rare instances where a film franchise had continually high quality games. They had the one on Sega where you played as Dr. Grant and a Velociraptor, the Lost World game which was an early sandbox game with a bunch of missions and dinosaurs to interact with, another arcade game where you played as a T-Rex, the Jurassica Park 3 FPS in arcades was even pretty good. They even had an amusement park simulator where you created your own park and chose which dinosaurs to create or if you were like me wait until your park was filled with people and then remove any chance of exiting the park and then deleting the fences so that the dinosaurs ate all of your guests. The only really bad JP game that I remember playing was Trespasser on the PC which had Minnie Driver voicing the character and QWOP like controls for a FPS, boy did that one suck ass.



    The SNES JP game was god awful. I bought a Genesis to play the good JP game. Also, bloody Mortal Kombat

  11. And how about when the cops come to question someone, the people NEVER stop what they're doing to just answer questions. They literally can't stop working for two minutes. If they're an artist, they're painting. If they're a construction foreman, they're walking around a site and barking out orders. If they're a surgeon and they're doing a heart transplant, they're doing it WHILE being a snarky asshole to Chris Meloni or whoever.


    My favorite moment in these shows is:


    Wife: Tommy is dead?! Oh my god [slight shock]


    Detective: Do you know anybody who would want him dead?


    Wife: No. Everybody loved him!....But...there was this thing last week"


    Detective: What happened last week?


    Wife: I'm sure it's nothing.


    Detective: Please, anything could help the investigation no matter how small.


    Wife: Well, this woman showed up to our house with a gun and swore she would kill him...Do you think that has something to do with this?


    And of course it doesn't because the murderer was Tommy's best friend who was the first person interviewed. He always loved the wife and was sick of Tommy's philandering.

    • Like 2

  12. Hot fucking garbage, this one.


    - from the start, parkour.

    - How the fuck does he know she got him the bike?

    - The truck arm he climbs is about 3 feet wide. Bike messengers are fucking crazy. The fact that he is nervous is just terrible writing and makes the character lose credibility.

    - How'd he get a third bike so easily? Wasn't there a huge deal made of the fact that he couldn't get a new bike after his first one is "totaled?"

    - YOU OWE $15,000 why are you practicing parkour?! Make money you fucking idiot!!

    - During his "test", they keep asking him "what's in the bag". Wouldn't they just take the bag?

    - Disgusting mouth noises. Jason, ye be warned.

    - Do cops keep loaded shotguns in the front seat?

    - Can somebody explain exactly how Cam's trap works?

    - The Chinese Mob fixed up his car for him?....God this movie is fucking terrible.

  13. It doesn't seem to ever wink at the camera, which a lot of homages tend to do, but they do play with how badly those films were made, like the actors playing characters that are really just actors trying to keep their shit together while trying not to be noticed noticing that the boom mike is in the frame. I love that fucking movie so much...


    Much like the Breesy Gleasy in Lake Placid (possibly), the Militant does not differentiate between dialogue and stage direction.

  14. Really the only thing I remembered about The Lost World novel is the carnotaurus. It was a bi-pedal carnivore like t-rex, but had skin like that of a chameleon. I also remember thinking "This will be so fucking cool in the movie!" (because I was 13) and then the movie came out. Maybe it was in there, but just never decloaked.

    • Like 1

  15. There's also young Heather Graham, pre-Last Seduction Linda Fiorentino, Gwyneth Paltrow's first ever movie role and the actual main actor Jamie Walters (aka the "How Do You Talk to an Angel? guy).


    Indeed! And one of the guys from Buffy, so I think Paul would be game for that. Also, running time? 89 minutes. Rethinking this over the day and I can't help but think there has to be a bunch of deleted scenes/shots. How bad were they that they couldn't make it into this film? 89 minutes and it still felt long.

  16. Have we suggested "Black Dynamite" at all in the forums? To me, that's one of the most well-crafted tributes to a particular genre done in the style of the genre that's ever been done. I'm sure we've brought it up somewhere...


    Black Dynamite is in my top-5 films of all-time. It's been on my TiVo for 4 years just in case. It is close to flawless.

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  17. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102913/


    Trailer -


    Available now on HBOGo


    God damn...What do we have here

    - Travolta. Post-Look Who's Talking pre-Pulp Fiction. The Lost Years Part 2

    - Travolta + Music

    - Travolta + wavering accent

    - Rock and Roll vs Organized Religion

    - Scenes begin at what seemingly is the end of the scene.

    - Clucking like a monkey


    Travolta lost the Razzie for this one to Dan Aykroyd in Nothing But Trouble.

  18. I have a soft spot for Jurassic Park and the Lost World. JP3 hurt me. It hurt me bad.


    and like an abused spouse responding to a text from my ex, I will be returning to the theater on friday for Jurassic World.


    I'm going to rewatch JP and TLW this week. I refuse to view JP3 again.

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