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Posts posted by MarcNado

  1. Did a search of the recommendations forum and can't believe this has not been suggested especially seeing as Death Spa has been done and Chopping Mall has also been suggested.



    As part of a sorority ritual, pledges and their male companions steal a trophy from a bowling alley; unbeknownst to them, it contains a devilish imp who makes their lives a living Hell.





    Saw this for the first time last week, think it would go down well with HDTGM would love to hear what they think of it

  2. Wanted to see this film when it came out, only got the chance this year to finally watch it. Have to say I was disappointed by it I had expected more but it definitely has many WTAF is going on moments mostly when it jumps to the sci-fi bits I do expect Jason loving those parts and actually wanting to make a proper movie of just that part and also star in it

  3. This is a film I keep wanting to go back and watch, I haven't seen it in over 25 years since I was a kid. I remember thinking it was not that bad when I saw it all those years ago but I keep reading these days about how bad it is and I have no doubt it is actually that bad.


    If it is as bad as ive read and like you say there is a lot of laying the ground work for fils that were yet to come this could be a good choice for HDTGM

    • Like 1

  4. Me and my friends legitimately like this film, it is utterly stupid and bad in so many ways but in the three times we have watched it, it always makes us laugh so much as well as ask WTAF so often. This and Airplane vs Volcano (or as we like to call it Dean Cain vs the volcano) are our favorite Asylum (the people who make sharknado) films other than sharknado.

  5. Loved this film as a kid and still love it now, whilst it is a bit of a rip of of merging Star Wars together with lord of the rings it is still enjoyable and something a bit different especially for when it came out. Plus it also gets Name Checked in the AMAZING British tv show Spaced along with another Classic British Fantasy Film HAWK THE SLAYER!!!!


    Bilbo Bagshot: I was like you once. Blond hair. Scraggly little beard. Childlike ears. Full of beans and spunk. I let my principles get in the way sometimes. I punched a bloke in the face once for saying "Hawk the Slayer" was rubbish.

    Tim Bisley: Good for you.

    Bilbo Bagshot: Yeah, thanks. But that's not the point, Tim. The point is I was defending the fantasy genre with terminal intensity, when what I should have said is "Dad, you're right, but let's give Krull a try and we'll discuss it later."



  6. I don't know, the Marc Harmon one -- Summer School -- is pretty good, for harmless low brow 1980s fun. It's just below stuff like Better Off Dead.


    I have Ski Patrol mixed up in my head with the two or three other ski movies: Hot Dog, Ski School, and uh, I guess Ski School 2.


    The Ski School films are so bad and not even bad they are good. Just awful so is hot dog


    Summer School is another film that still holds up well and is fun enough

  7. Used to love this film as a kid, it hasnt held up that well though but is still so much better than the many many other films like it just set in different places (i.e. summer jobs, summer camps, holidays etc etc) could definitely be worth a watch for them

    • Like 1

  8. A film I had never heard of until a few weeks ago, This looks and feels very 80s and has a few laughs in it for this buddy cop movie that goes a bit bizarre and wayward at the end.



    When a dutiful Los Angeles police officer named Roger Mortis (Treat Williams) tries to apprehend robbers that happen to be zombies, he ends up as one of the undead himself. Since Mortis has managed to stay in his right mind, he aids his loudmouthed partner, Doug Bigelow (Joe Piscopo), in getting to the bottom of the macabre crime ring. Eventually the cops track down the villains, including Arthur P. Loudermilk (Vincent Price), and try to end their supernatural thievery.




  9. I still cant believe they havent done this masterpiece yet, I saw it last year for the first time and I have watched it about 5 times since as it is a classic. It definitely is a film that will have something for everyone and is definitely so bad its amazing

  10. I knew this 4th film was going to be poor but wasnt ready for how poor it was. The first was fun as they tried to make a proper film, the second was to self aware and just trying to wink at the camera all the time which took the fun out of it. The third pulled me back in as it was just so over the top and ridiculous but the fourth seems to have looked at all the previous ones and just tried to 1up all the crazy parts and just out do the others... sorry it's just not working.


    They either need to stop making these films or actually try and dial them back and get the feel of the original film as well as getting rid of all the cameo's (more like supporting cast).
