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Everything posted by ChazFremontIII

  1. I love sticking my finger in holes.
  2. Uranus is waxing and will soon eclipse the small moons of Scrotus and Teste.
  3. Interestingly enough, theyre all located in the panhandle of Oklahoma.
  4. Who among us HASN'T accidentally stapled his foreskin to a diorama of the North Pole meant for Santa to enjoy on Christmas Eve? Let him cast the first stone.
  5. A wise man once said - "JESUS CHRIST!"
  6. Slow your roll, friend. Bowling's a game of finesse.
  7. My progenitor was pro-janitor, so I guess you could say I come from a clan who like things spic and span.
  8. A beer distributor and a pretzel salesman walk into a bar...
  9. but it's got something to do with ass...
  10. One in a million chance doc!