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About Timbosteron

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  1. Timbosteron

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    I just want to try to give a bit of sense about time travelling, because the movie does so much wrong. And, because time travel is only a theory, there is no truth my thoughts are based on. So, the biggest problem of time travel is a probable paradox: you go back in time and keep your younger you from traveling back in time. This is only possible in a multiverse. So, if every decision creates a new timeline, this might all work. Just pretend time and the universes are a tree and its branches. A lot of branches. Every decision made a new branch. It you ever toss a coin at least there are two branches: one where you got head and one where you got tails. Your timeline starts somewhere in this tree: from your birth to your actual now (in this case you really can’t travel into the future, only back into YOUR present). Now you travel back in your timeline to a point, where you tossed that coin from before. You somehow manage it to disturb this coin throwing and it falls into the gutter. In that moment, a new branch is created. And this timeline is now unwritten and you travel with it. You will not be able to go into this new future and you can’t go back onto your branch to go into your old future. You have created a new timeline where you and your younger you exist. But if you go back to that coin toss and keep your previously time traveled yourself from disturbing the toss, then you are back on your first branch. The future hasn’t changed and you can travel to your old life, but you successfully created another future, where your coin toss went another way.
  2. Timbosteron

    BONUS: A Conversation with Mel Brooks

    I hope that there will be Sequels: Sonarbabies - One beep beyond Polarbabies - The frozen ones Molarbabies - Now they bite
  3. Timbosteron

    BONUS: A Conversation with Mel Brooks

    Wow, that was really a great story he told Blake. It's like Paul said, if we get a Brookcast, were Mel tells stories about his life, that would be great. I just think about, that not only people from the showbusiness, but elderly people in general have great stories to tell and they like to tell them. I think that might be an idea for a great podcast. Earwolf, anyone? Anyone?
  4. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Yeah, I did grow up with the old Mad Max. Only liked the first. I do get your points, I think my biggest problem with fury road are just the characters. As soon as I do not care for even one of them, I get bored. Just like Lord of the rings. I just did not care. I'm with CinemaSins on this one.
  5. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I do not understand, why people like fury road (no offense). I found it boring and I didn't care about the characters. But it was better than Frogtown...
  6. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Yeah, we want to know which piece of movie history we have to watch next. Maybe something with less rape, less frogs but more trained seduction techniques in army underwear...
  7. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I heard that once in a documentary. Just went to wikipedia and it seems like I'm totally wrong.
  8. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    And, to contribute information no one asked for: Döner is a german invention. Well, kinda. It was the idea of a Turkish immigrant in the 70s or 80s (Yes, 1970/1980) who thought about a food you could eat on the go.
  9. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Oh, he just dreamed about a princess walking in to kiss him. Oh, wait. They should have put that in the movie. The reading frog walking up to blondie and beg her to kiss him.
  10. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    I think I can answer it. In the commentary the director says the art department fucked it up a little and made it to unreadable. The sign says: "Welcome to Frogtown - If you lived here, you'd be home". Which is insanely correct. And by the way: I prefer the live episodes. Even though sometimes the audience is hard to understand, I just think it is more fun.
  11. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Thank you for that. Didn't knew it and it is one of those beautiful knowledge that no one needs.
  12. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    They could have shaped the whole plot around that. Instead of "fucking for freedom".
  13. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    The director had planned to have several stages of mutation. Some light ones, where only a part is frog, and some full frogs. So I think they supposed to be humans.
  14. Timbosteron

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    They say that the male population was reduced by 68%. And from that 32% living men, most of them are sterile. So, the movie takes place around 2010. At that time the population of the USA was about 300,000,000. Let's say m/f ratio is about 50/50, that makes 150,000,000 men. "Most of the population is sterile". Let's say that means 75%. So there might be 12,000,000 fertile men left in the US. Sounds like a lot. But the big problem is to find them. There is no real government, no good infrastructure and every man counts. Even though it would be more than enough men to repopulate earth, the big problem might be the organisation. But that makes it even more insane, that they didn't collect his sperm.