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About KerrieTurcic

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  1. KerrieTurcic

    EPISODE 115 — Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

    BTWs, you guys predicted sharks in space on Episode 69: Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles back in 2013. You guys were way ahead of your time.
  2. KerrieTurcic

    EPISODE 115 — Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

    I almost forgot! What was with that explanation of the sharks eating birds and that is why thy can stay up in the air longer? Am I remembering that correctly? Because, I'm no scientist, but just because you eat something doesn't mean you adopt it's traits. I eat chicken. So does that mean, I could start laying eggs?
  3. KerrieTurcic

    The Heat

    Yes! This movie needs to be done.
  4. KerrieTurcic


    What?! I love this movie!
  5. KerrieTurcic

    EPISODE 115 — Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

    I'm a HDGTM forum virgin, but--much like a shark reentering he Earth's atmosphere--these question were burning me up: What was wrong with Bo Derek's eyes? They were super red, right? Either she just went swimming in a pool with an unusually high amount of chlorine or she's high. Right? Also, do you think Tara Reid coming out of the slit in the shark was supposed to look like she was being born? She came out head first. That's sort of odd. I mean, I don't know, if I was coming out of the inside of a shark, I would probably go hands first. Oh, excuse me, chainsaw-hand first. AND DID YOU REALIZE THAT THEY NAMED THE BABY GIL? GIL!