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About MuppetManiac

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  1. MuppetManiac

    Meatballs Part 2 (1984)

    I actually do like Meatballs Part 2. I think it's a fun, weird movie. But it's a head-scratcher as to how you go from Meatballs (which is a classic) to this movie, which was originally going to be rated R and was shot as a rated R movie, but they cut out the nudity. But there are some wild ideas in Meatballs 2 and it is a totally different vibe from Meatballs. Meatballs 3 takes another weird shift in tone. So it's pretty interesting how they ran this franchise into the ground.
  2. MuppetManiac

    Eliminators (1986)

    As part of their experiments in time travel, Drs. Reeves and Takada construct a cyborg "Mandroid" with the body of a downed pilot. After the success of the initial experiments, Reeves decides to have the Mandroid scrapped. Not wishing to be taken apart, Mandroid flees with the help of Dr. Takeda, who is killed for his disobedience. Distraught by the death of his one friend, the Mandroid goes north to America in search of someone who can help him in getting revenge and stopping Dr. Reeves in whatever evil plan he intends to use his time machine for. This might be the best, worst movie of all-time.