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Posts posted by AshleyChupp

  1. y0YvqDV.jpg

    New York Dolls dressed by Westwood and McLaren 1973.


    Once when I was in high school, New York Dolls played a show in my town. I begged my parents to let me go, but they said the Devil was clearly speaking through the music of this band and therefore they could not in good conscience allow me to attend. They even stayed up late the night of the show to make sure I didn't attempt to sneak out.


    My punk friend Jake who is now a UVa grad who wears boat shoes and pink button down shirts with popped collars ended up going to the show without me. He fought his way to the front of the crowd and got guitar picks from Sylvain and Conte which he then framed and gave to me for my 17th birthday.


    Six years later, I am still furious with my parents, and I still have those picks.


    The End.

    • Like 13

  2. I haven't said anything about this yet because I feel weird promoting myself but Forum Darling Nohorseman was a guest on the most recent episode of my podcast Winefeld where we critique wine and discuss an episode of Seinfeld. You can listen to it here or via iTunes. Noponyboy was a fantastic guest and you all should listen to this episode for him. It's longer than most eps of the show but that's just because he was so fun to talk to.



    Also a mutual friend told me Hayley Huntley listened to my show and called it "delightful" so there's that.

    • Like 20

  3. Sorry to get off topic, but speaking of chilling, MC khaleezy, do you remember that very cold night when we went to that Christmas party? That was a crazy night. You dressed up like a Dairy Pillows and made out with several people if I remember correctly


    Oh yeah! Forgot about that, I was so fukkin trashed.


    Was that the same night you dressed up like me and hit on/got sexually rejected by every single hot person there?

    • Like 8

  4. In other words, you're doing surprisingly well considering you have a vagina

    Edit: but seriously, can you even imagine a boss saying, "You never let your work suffer, even when there seems to be a lot of drama involving you" to a male employee?


    Oh it's definitely because I'm a confident, outspoken woman






    and also maybe because I've slept with a few coworkers.

    • Like 12

  5. I had my performance review this week.


    My boss tried to compliment me by saying "You never let your work suffer, even when there seems to be a lot of drama involving you."


    I'm sorry to say that my chances of winning Drama Queen for my department at this year's Fall Formal look grim. Thank you for your votes and your support of this campaign, but I think it best for me to maintain a shred of dignity by quietly bowing out of the running and skipping Fall Formal this year.


    Next year I will do my level best to use all the apparently copious drama involving me to inform my attitude and work performance. You live and learn, I guess.

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