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Everything posted by lizzy

  1. Thank you so much! I only hope I can live up to this honour. EDIT I'd like to draft Gord Downie's shiny leather suits DOUBLE EDIT I'm extra #blessed that I can spend my 200th post celebrating such a momentous occasion!
  2. Is it too late to draft Julie Klausner's secret forum account?
  3. I want a draft beer please
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruAi4VBoBSM
  5. I wish someone would bid me a dude, amirite ladies??????
  6. Please pay attention to the end of this good and nice Teaser Freezer theme:
  7. How much do they smell like poop?
  8. guys do I really have to say it TOO SCARY
  9. Nohorseman, I do not know! I have never been to TGIFriday's, but based on the surprising size and quality of these 'sticks, maybe they are an aberration? Maybe they are bad to discourage people from taking full advantage of the endless appetizer promotion? Ms Weaver is no longer employed by Gawker, but perhaps you can reach her via her twitter account (@caityweaver). Regards, Lizzy
  10. just in case anyone did not believe me, Caity Weaver is a true journalistic hero My 14-Hour Search for the End of TGI Friday's Endless Appetizers
  11. fuck you man don't judge a whole website just by lifehacker, that'd be like saying Nick Denton deserves to be broke because kotaku has headlines like "digimon breeding is so complicated, I had to make spreadsheets" WHAT OF THE ENDLESS MOZZARELLA STICK JOURNALISM WHAT OF THAT
  12. I have not seen this and I am now so excited to. I love Zouks so much (not to mention reveals!) EDIT: I am a bad comedy nerd and haven't seen TCGS since it moved to Fusion and that set is so fancy and colourful! Glad Gethard's putting his increasing clout to good use.
  13. I forget my login to the secret forum, but Eggs is amazing right now. thebestshow.net
  14. spell it out! F I V E F O U R ps extremely good episode, Sean, I really felt I connected with the openness and vulnerability you demonstrated
  15. I've never seen Jurassic Park, because my parents thought it would be too spooky for me when it first came out, and I've never gotten around to seeing it. Is it too late for me? Should I just live my life vaguely aware of the context of some dreamy Jeff Goldblum gifs?
  16. I'm one of the great unwashed without Howl, so I've been listening to RSS with ads included, but I too am #juicedup and #hungry.
  17. Don't get me started about throwing up in the bathroom at my local YMCA!
  18. I vote Silvr/Chanson, is that cool? I appreciate Silvr's no-nonsense attitude, but I do also love boats.
  19. never before has the question about whether a hamburger is a sandwich been so important to me
  20. agreed! I love the Johnny's Bananas eps but it always feels like Sean & Hayes should be there. (and by "always" I mean "every time I listen to it" because there's so many people in it that it makes me feel less lonely if I am feeling lonely, is this relatable)
  21. Download those Reality SHOW Show episodes while you can, kids!
  22. Quick Q, not to deflect from this cool intergenerational war that's been happening, but how the fuck else do you pronounce Bunnicula? The reference is clearly to Dracula, in which the antepenultimate syllable gets emphasised.