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Charcoal City

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Everything posted by Charcoal City

  1. cant wait to see the film!
  2. Charcoal City

    Episode 415 - The Longest Pig Pile

    She got her father's looks and her mother's voice. Classic
  3. Charcoal City

    Season 3: Game 2 - Pistol Shrimps 4/12/16

    "Lost angalos", haha. "the sound you just heard is basketball" I want me some Pistol Shrimps socks! Dire Straits
  4. great epp. I grew up 15 mins from the NY part of the Appalachian trail. Great times camping there under a waterfall.
  5. Hollywood Bang Bang! great epp. Next time, we should hear Scott on HH doing Gmail Roulette or abusing engineer Cody!
  6. I am with Matt. My Wife watches these shows and i think they are destroying america. but i do tolerate RHWoNY because of Bethenny. she is funny and, in my opinion, the only one that is real. Much love
  7. Charcoal City

    Episode 413 - Cranking It to Coldplay

    How dare they speak ill of Rocky!!! My boston, Doback, is an angel!
  8. Charcoal City

    Season 3: Game 1 - Pistol Shrimps 4/5/16

    Dire Straits
  9. Charcoal City

    Episode 263 — Hollywild

    Did Ben say John Wilkes Booth killed JFK? ...........
  10. Homerun. loved the epp. Time to watch Band of Brothers, again!
  11. Charcoal City

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Kai, the stoner, hatchet wielding, hitchhiker kills rapist. he describes two stories about killing someone to the fox news
  12. Yessss Thanks Matt, Neil, Pam, and Bret! Funny stuff. This IS the best podcast in the universe.
  13. What a beautiful person with a beautiful heart. Just amazing...
  14. Charcoal City

    Episode 3 - The Illustrator

    heads will roll... illustratively good epp
  15. Love my Ninja coffee machine!
  16. Charcoal City

    Episode 2 - Passport, Exodus

    This epp was better then the last. Being from NY, I have had about the same understanding and view on this religion as Chris. Keep it up!
  17. Charcoal City

    Episode 1 - Ron Paul's Baby

    I think Chris is keeping the story going and helping this guy with advice. Chris is putting words to how this man feels. Chris is doing good and i cant wait for Chris to put out more epps. Chris chris
  18. Charcoal City

    Episode 1 - Ron Paul's Baby

    Chris is awesome and so is Beautiful/Anonymous
  19. The guys should do a TED talk. They do so well with a huge crowd.
  20. without a laughing track, how will i know when Whoopi Goldberg makes a joke in The Color Purple?
  21. IRobot, YouRobot, We all do the robot, in President Astro Boy's America.
  22. If people are more of what they hide then what they show, then I'm drunk.
  23. smile with your eyes and wink with your mouth, my sweet freak of nature
  24. Lightning may not strike the same spot twice, but I will strike your fanny until it's red and sore, Todd!