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Everything posted by GeoffGroth

  1. Done a bit of looking around but cant seem to find a way to do this....
  2. This is your host scott auckerman and I just wanted you to know that my first time getting anal was much like my first car.It wasn't exactly what i was expecting but Brett gelmans penis gave it to me anyway.
  3. GeoffGroth

    What guest do you want to see?

    I recently had a fantastic thought. From what i understand Henry Rollins lives close to earwolf studios area....Also he has had several podcasts appearances in the more recent past. So why not have an old punk rock icon as a guest on an episode??? Old hank has done plenty of his spoke word yours and can be a pretty funny dude. Yours forever and always, Your balls
  4. GeoffGroth


    Well they for password as password correctly. I'm stealing cracking into routers with that but haha
  5. GeoffGroth

    Stephen King's The Stand

    But there's so much shit that I hey nong man could turn into some great laughs.
  6. GeoffGroth

    Stephen King's The Stand

    That shirty fucking adaption of the book they made in the 90's. Am I right or am I right?