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About RubberBoyWetLips

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  1. Which came first- sand or commercials?
  2. My squad has big eyes. My squad is a a slimy lanky sea ghost.
  3. Looks like young dweeb is hanging ten on the ankle-biters again dude!
  4. RubberBoyWetLips

    Tentacles are popular.

    Tentacles are popular.
  5. If I was a cat, and you were pants, I'd eat catfood and you'd swallow legs.
  6. Don't haggle with a sled - they are hard toboggan with.
  7. Step one: lick a stamp. Step two: get a brown bag. Step 3: go outside. Step 4: you can fly!
  8. I've got no bones to hold me up. Treat your bleating, Pinocchio.
  9. i love bouncing up the boulevard. As for these dry lips, I'll never stop lickin'!
  10. Popsicles, humor, honey - man, these are some sticky little pages!
  11. If we aren't to having it why, then many how the to?
  12. A rubber lip in the mechanical hand is worth two wet lips in the graveyard.
  13. Orchids mean sex. Isn't that right, Tristan and Isolde?
  14. I was once bitten so hard by a steampunk that I had to get a mechanical hand. I am now their God.
  15. I was once bitten so hard by a steampunk I had to get a mechanical hand. I am now their God.