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Posts posted by tomspanks

  1. On 9/24/2018 at 9:02 AM, grudlian. said:

    2. Spike Lee's brother died during hazing at a fraternity. So, that explains, in part, why the fraternity is functionally evil.

    Just want to clear up this point above.  I listened to a Spike Lee interview about School Daze and he says that "a" brother died during pledging, not that "his" brother died.

    • Like 4

  2. 2 hours ago, CameronH said:

    I think I would have appreciated it more if more of the movie was like that, but it just comes so late in the game. I think it was like 30mins into the movie or something. By that point, I had completely given up on there being any kind of big Musical numbers and then this scene comes out of nowhere like PLoW! And then, there's really nothing like it for the rest of the movie. I just don't feel like it worked overall - especially because the whole natural vs. straightened hair dynamic had just played out in dialogue. It was like, "You know that thing we clearly just talked about for two minutes? Well, now we're going to sing about it for another four - shifting the tone and style of the movie inexplicably - and bring no new insights."

    As I've said above: I appreciate what it is he's doing (or trying to do), but I just don't think it works.

    My problem (or saving grace) was that I have been watching this movie in ~20 minute increments for 3 days now. So when the Jets/Sharks dance fight of hair came on, it didn’t feel like I had been waiting for 30 minutes. And yes, it did delight me that this dance fight was between the 2 female groups about hair rather than the fraternity vs Dap groups about their politics, which I was expecting them to do tbh.  

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  3. 2 hours ago, grudlian. said:

    The weird thing is that I normally really like movies without much story that cover a short time period. And I do actually like this movie but when you break the narrative the have a song about hair, I think it takes away from that even if discussing colorism is vitally important. I guess I'd personally get more out of it as conversation instead of a song/dance even if the sequence is well done.

    I think the Wake Up scene works but maybe not as much as it could. But I think it's a message not directed at me since i'm not a black college student.

    Yes, I’m stepping out of my lane, but hair can be a HUGE identity/cultural issue for black women. In the salon scene, you saw the natural hair vs straightened hair fighting out like the Jets and the Sharks and personally I thought it was a fun cheeky homage to West Side Story.  

    • Like 6

  4. 2 hours ago, CameronH said:

    It seems counter-intuitive, but that's how my high school did it. That way everyone was already in place at the beginning of the next school year. For example, you would elect who is going to be your Senior Class president at the end of Junior year. Not only does this give them time over the Summer to get prepared and have meetings and whatnot, but you're not wasting time holding an election at the beginning of the year that would just eat up their time in office.   

    Enjoy your summer meetings, nerds!

    • Like 5

  5. 2 hours ago, RyanHorn said:

    I came here to see if anybody else noticed this. It's such lazy filmmaking. There's no way the scenes were in a different order. And a Spring election really makes no sense. The only thing I could think of was that they were working backwards from the Halloween party? There's no reason why the election couldn't be in the fall.

    And maybe it’s me but the hands look like they belong to the same person.

    • Like 1

  6. I was just thinking, if Kendra's ultimate goal was to teach Kyle that looks aren't important and that it's your inner beauty that counts, then why change him back at all?  Why reward him with the thing that caused him to be a rotten person in the first place?  I dunno, I would maybe turn him back into a 5 or 6.  

    • Like 5

  7. 3 hours ago, Cam Bert said:

    When Kyle is in his "beastly" state he has all these open wounds. If you look at them, gross I know but just look quickly, there are metal bits in the wounds. At first I thought these were medical staples keeping the wound together but all of them are in the wound. A medical staple would be on either side and closing the wound but these are inside. What are they and why are they there? I found them horribly distracting.

    You know what I found distracting? The way the prosthetic didn’t quite get attached to his face in the corner of his right eye. Sometimes due to the lighting you could see a big gap there. Should’ve filled the space with more silver caulk. 


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  8. 7 minutes ago, Elektra Boogaloo said:

    Confession. I did not watch this movie. I read the book so I don't feel like I need to suffer twice. Do they really go to the Carroll Gardens zoo in the movie? That makes no sense. Carroll Garden is really small and there is a zoo in Prospect Park. You'd just have to go through one neighborhood (Park Slope) and the park itself and you're there. Google maps says it's 2.5 miles driving.


    ETA: I thik that woman is dressed as Dorothy from the WIZARD OF OZ not Belle.

    Not only that, they spell it CARROL Gardens 😡

    • Like 2

  9. In the scene where we first meet Kyle's father, Kyle has to send a text to him to share the news about the school election:


    Monday, May 17.  Then presumably the next day, Kyle receives a text that the "witch is mad":


    But now it's Tuesday, April 27, about 3 weeks in the past.  

    It's a funny goof, but I find it more interesting that the school would hold elections at the end of the school year.  I've never seen that before.

    • Like 6

  10. 4 hours ago, Al1 said:

    The question of “how did this get made?” May, after so many episodes become less pertinent. It can be explained away by  over ambitious passion projects or poor industry descisions. But this film is rotten to the core. This film cannot of been about making money. My hope is it’s   a drastic conceptual art piece meant to insult the very notion that money can be spent wisely.  It’s messages,  Arabic eyebrows and execution; especially pointing to  the dialogue  are an insult to us all. Truely this movie above all others I’ve watched through the podcast needs an answer to how did this get made? I need to understand how a movie can  be made that’s so drastic, as to make me feel like a fundamental sickness has embedded itself our society. How I met your mother guy was ok though.

    ...Five stars.

    • Like 8

  11. 3 hours ago, Cinco DeNio said:

    One other thing that bothered me was the murderer's choice of weapons.  It looked like he took paint can lids and cut them to make the blades (or attached blades).  I was expecting him to use something more related to the show.  Even in the Kabuki version there were no bladed weapons.

    I guess they were from big tomato cans or something, considering his job.

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