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About H.P.Hovercraft

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  1. H.P.Hovercraft

    Unlikely Angel (1996)

    Dolly Parton dies within the first 3 minutes of the movie, then must save a family before Christmas or be damned to hell for all eternity by Roddy McDowall. This movie is both bonkers bananas and a super charming Christmas tale of a family moving on after loss. A tight 90 minutes, some truly good scenes and acting by multiple characters, and free on Prime. What more could you want? Oh, also a musical number by Dolly OF COURSE. I was happier having seen this movie. IMDB info here
  2. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 1 - The First One

    Loving it! The whole Cheez-It/"water family" thing makes me think I have the same mom as Gabrus.
  3. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 518 - Corn Dog Horndog

    Heynong Man dropping the Griffin and Sabine references will bring the ladies and sad boys running
  4. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 516 - Solo Bolo Cincolo

    "I came until I died." - Me, 10/26/2017
  5. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 515 - Return to Suicide House Part 666

    This episode disgusted me within the first 20 minutes.
  6. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 510 - Pound Foolish

    It should be Garbage-nzo Dog
  7. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 203 - Lamar Woods, Our Close Friend

    Frankly, I think Hayes showed an incredible amount of restraint and patience for what was, essentially, a mockery of his legacy. Surgery chat and literally like 3 jokes??? Who the hell does Sean think he is?
  8. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 504 - The Bigger the Percent the Better

    This episode left me overwhelmed with sympathy for Kulap
  9. Pippi Longstocking instead of Punky Brewster, Extract for Expat, minotaur instead of centaur, is everyone drunk?
  10. "Foghorn Leghorning" I have now heard everything worth hearing. Thank you and goodbye *dies*
  11. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    I think it was a pretty obvious joke that they were referring to this movie as "feminist" based solely on the Bechdel test.
  12. I am really not into musicals/borderline-hate them but holy shit I loved this show! So funny, so much damn talent, it's awesome
  13. H.P.Hovercraft

    Episode 297 - LIVE from DCM Pt. 1

    Great ep, I also have some lame childhood memories from Sanibel Island!
  14. The ONLY Asian on Earwolf? Andrew is going to be in all the trouble