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Everything posted by gigi-tastic

  1. gigi-tastic

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    I'm not going to lie I was a a little bit sad that my carefully researched statistics weren't mentioned but I figured that it was a bummer of a topic so that was why. I have been really getting annoyed by the callers coming in at the Q and A section because I feel it cuts the flow. I feel like if they did the phone calls at the start of the section it might be easier to deal with.
  2. gigi-tastic

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Ok no. Paul she has to tell her friend! Or at the VERY least speak to the fiancee. This is not ok. Being drunk does not absolve this behavior. The fiance *should* be the one to speak with her and talk about his transgression. It's not fair for her to carry that burdon. I'm so sick of holding on to these little transgressions. They weigh on your soul. Her friendship will be tainted by this and she and her friend have done nothing wrong yet their relationship will suffer for it. Worst of all her friend won't know the cause.
  3. I was unaware someone did Vampire Diaries fanfic and made it a musical I'm in How drunk am I going to need to be?
  4. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I just wanted to add I'm also really grateful that @Smigg., @GrahamS. and everyone else feels safe enough to talk about these things here and I'm so sorry so many of us have dealt with such bullshit. I want to say that my personal experience with sexual harassment and assault didn't really start until my 20s but I know that if I really though about it it probably went back much later. There are so many small things we condition ourselves to brush off that if we really let ourselves think about them aren't that small. They can be pretty big. My lighter note is that it's day two of my favorite week of the year: Fat Bear Week! Every year Katmai National Park has a contest on their Facebook page for the fattest bear in their park. I urge you all to head over for a truly wholesome and bodacious time! I feel like maybe I should call in to let Paul know since he loves the Country Bears and these are also, technically, fat bears out in the country, but I worry that it's too late and he might not get the message this week. https://m.facebook.com/KatmaiNPP/?ref=m_notif&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic
  5. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    Maybe it's just me but did any one else worry about people getting discombobulated and lost in the V.R world? I would very easily get confused by that many miles on miles of weird empty (definitely haunted) hallways and would "wander" around in confusion for who knows how long looking for the room for my file if I didn't "fall" to my death first. Now that I think about it this would 100% give me motion sickness. On the other hand what a great excuse to slack off from work "Sorry I'm late for this very boring and useless meeting! I got lost in the M. C Escher Hell Scape... Again "
  6. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I go away for a few days to deal with a migraine and I come back to a friendly little buddy! I'm both delighted and worried about the extent I will abuse this new power. Look I'm doing it already. I hedgehog'ed my own post. His name is Gerald and I love him.
  7. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    1000%! I just finished watching Fosse/ Verden and the show has a flashback to Bob Fosse losing his virginity to two 40 something burlesque dancers at the theater he used to dance in as a kid. It was heartbreaking and disturbing. It's 10000000% assault. No child can give consent. It really bothers me that our culture sees young boys getting preyed on as a good thing. I can't count the number of times I've heard people joke when attractive female teachers have been caught abusing their male students about how "lucky" that poor kid is. Also sort of random but have you ever noticed how when they show photos of those women they always seem to use nice pictures? Like photos from social media where they are smiling and pretty instead of their mug shot. They committed a DESPICABLE crime why are you showing them at their best?!?
  8. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I feel all kinds of disgusted by all of this. I think it's also important that we look at the language used here. He didn't say " You're having sex with " he said " You're being FUCKED BY" which gives him even more power and puts this as an act he is committing not one that is being mutually done by both parties. Also that article was very gross the way he talked about several of the women I'm not so sure what he had would have been seen as a consenting above grade time with several of them. On the topic of Michael Douglas the survivor of his supposed harassment and abuse had a letter asking about how to fix sexual harassment in the workplace from the California Women's Law Center from 1993 . So around the time this movie was being made or was in post /starting to be advertised. So... Yeah.
  9. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I fully agree. I'm sorry, like I said I clearly misread what you wrote.
  10. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I agree that this movie is terrible. I also agree wholeheartedly that so called men's rights activists do not give a flying fuck for male survivors or the well being of men in general. For example On International Women's Day many of them demand an International Men 's Day even though that already exists and is November 19. Ironically the day is rarely googled on its actual date. They care about the fact women have a day at all not that they really want their own day. I also agree that yes women are much more likely to be harassed. I've had several conversations with other female friends about how we do not know *any* women who HAVEN'T been sexually assaulted or harassed including ourselves. However I don't think that negates the fact this does happen to men as well and those survivors deserve every bit of respect and compassion as their female counterparts. It could just be my reading but it feels like you're saying that because a smaller number of harassment is reported it means less? That what they went through isn't as upsetting because women face worse? Again this could be my interpretation. I honestly don't think you can compare this kind of thing. It's deeply personal and affects each survivor differently. I think that our society tends to fail people who speak out but I really think that we fail male survivors in a unique and horrible way. It's bad enough to not think you will be believed because the system is awful. Even worse when you think people won't believe you because of your gender.
  11. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    Ok so let's get to the nitty gritty here. Men can be and are sexually harassed. Much like domestic violence it's 100% something that does happen to men but is not talked about nearly as much as what happens to women. Nearly 1 in 5 ( roughly 17%) complaints to the EEOC are by men. A survey by Quinnipiac University found 20 percent of men surveyed had been harassed. While they government does not track the gender of perpetrators researchers say that men are more likely to harass other men then women ( though women can be perpetrators). The number of men who have reported harassment has stayed pretty steady for the past decade. The movie is correct in the idea that a lot of sexual harassment is about power. It's also a way to punish people who do not meet the ideal gender norms and for men in particular, those who are not sufficiently like the idealized version of their (perceived) gender. Many men do not report their harassment much like many male victims of sexual and domestic assault. they feel they will not be believed because we live in a society that thinks only women can be victims. A 2014 study found that Canadian woman were twice as likely to report harassment Han their male counterparts( 20% vs just 9 %) To quote a survivor who told his story in this really great article from the Washington Post : "Funk, 53, said he was at first hesitant to talk about what he said he was experiencing at work. “ ‘You are a man. You should be able to protect yourself,’ ” he recalled thinking to himself." But even incredibly "masculine" men can be subject to harassment. In 2016 Terry Cruz says he was groped by Adam Venit at a party. Venit is a very well known executive who works at William Morris Endeavor. He's not alone. Brandon Fraser claims in 2003 former HFPA president Philip Berk groped him. These are both famous men, powerful in their own right yet they both have stories about harassment. While this movie is 100% the panicking of rich straight white men in the wake of the Anita Hill Clarence Thomas testimony ( yet here we are in 2019 with another sexual predator on the bench. I'm not going off on that rant) there is a germ of truth in it. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone https://www.canadianwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Facts-About-Sexual-Assault-and-Harassment.pdf https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2502 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/men-account-for-nearly-1-in-5-complaints-of-workplace-sexual-harassment-with-the-eeoc/2018/04/08/4f7a2572-3372-11e8-94fa-32d48460b955_story.html https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/statistics/enforcement/sexual_harassment_new.cfm
  12. gigi-tastic

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    So at the start when Douglas is grilling that guy about if he got the promotion the guy asks him if he's ok and needs a Prozac. I don't think that this movie understands how Prozac works. Not that I'm surprised. Not to *brag* but I was on Prozac and I know for a fact it takes a week( usually 2) to start working. It's not like Xanax or something similar that works instantly. I don't know why but the idea of people just passing out random Prozac to their upset colleagues like fucking tic tacs is both hilarious and worrisome. Edit: I just started the episode and they also mentioned this. Oops!
  13. gigi-tastic

    HDTGM Drinking Game

    1. Brag you have a dad ( sip anytime Zukes says Brag you have...) 2. Please tell your dad that his drawing is wonderful! My favorite part is the Sharknado. Or maybe it's Howard the Duck? Possibly Mac from Mac and Me. There's a lot of great things going on here!
  14. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I have a math learning disability and in middle school a kid came back to school after finally being rehabilitated enough from an awful atv accident and was in my special math class. He had to relearn how to do everything.
  15. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I just want to say if my fiancee ever failed to believe me when I tried to tell them about something even remotely half as bad as this shit I would leave them in less than a heartbeat. Fuck David. He's the absolute worst, worse than Tessa in my opinion. She at least is mentally ill. He never for a moment is completely convinced that she hasn't done what Tessa says she has. He has no faith in her. Frankly I don't think he has faith in either woman in his life and just thinks deep down bitches be cray and will wait for absolute proof before he chooses who to give his allegiance to.
  16. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I haven't seen all of the movie yet because I'm pretty sure it will cause my anxiety to go haywire so let me know if this is covered: Do they talk about Tessa's divorce settlement? It doesn't look like she is suffering financially. Her mom seems to act like she needs to get her husband back for financial security. I think Tessa wants him back because she refuses to lose anything she thinks of as "hers" and I do think deep down she loved him, in the sense that she loves that he loved her and who he thought she was and their idealized life together. The perfect family kind of thing. I don't think she loves her ex the way most people would see love. It's more the idea of everything. So my question I guess is what was her divorce settlement like do we think? She's still a partner in the brewery and cleary has a decent house and dresses like an Ivanka clone. Do we think there was a prenup? She's def got alimony right?
  17. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I feel like we as a society have entered this weird place where wine might be alcohol but not really. It's celebrated to the point where you can find countless things proudly saying that you're an pretty much an alcoholic mother and you absolutely must have your special juice hahaha! It's very weird to observe as the child of an actual alcoholic. I have no problem with drinking and I drink, it's just the weird way we act about wine. I know it has a lower alcohol content them other forms of alcohol but how much do we think she was drinking a night? At least a bottle right? Girl you have a problem! I mean on top of everything else... Plotting murder probably is more important than a possible dependency on alcohol.
  18. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I feel like the idea of Effortless Beauty is probably something that Tessa covets deeply actually. Everything about her seems so calculated and planned. The notion of being one of those women who can just throw on literally anything and truly get away with looking stunning .Not to be confused with the cleverly designed "messy" chic look I've seen going on to prove women are the Effortless Beauty but actually take a surprising amount effort. The steps needed for the messy bun alone are shocking. I think that the compliment was totally back handed but it's something she wants for herself. She wants to be effortless and free. The years of having her mother's psychological torture on what is an acceptable form of femininity has made her cold, tightly wound, and brittle. Everything about her beauty and the glamorous (non murderous) parts of her life are made with extreme amount of effort and work. The idea of being able to just BE and be seen as worthy ( under her warped view where beauty and perfection is everything) must be intoxicating. I bet this is another reason she hates Julia. She is the antithesis of what Tessa is and how she lives her life. She's what she secretly wants to be.
  19. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    Not going to lie I was a bit shocked she was in this because last I heard she was doing cat litter commercials.
  20. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    It looks like the whole thing was shut down last year. I found this old article about it on Mic that was interesting from a legal perspective. It sounds like by submitting your fanfiction work Amazon Publishing and the OG licence holder own your original characters and story ideas and can use them how they want without you getting paid or credit. So potentially you could see the story in like an anthology series or it could become a plot in whatever show or book you were writing about. Honestly from the sounds of it it seems like doing a 50 Shades of Grey or Mortal Instruments would be the best way to keep your story intact and yours. Also the idea of buying fan fiction seems like a really silly business idea. Archive of Our Own is full of fantastic work. I'm not saying they shouldn't be compensated for their time or that their work doesn't deserve but paid for because it's lesser than original fiction, I love fan works, but I think part of the joy of fan works are that they are done simply because someone loved a property. It feels strange to me to have someone sell that work as is. It's the idea that you can take a community ( because I have yet to find fan works without being in some kind of community no matter how small. Actually usually the smaller the more dedicated) and put a price tag on it. I find fan works to be very much community based. Often something is written for someone, or drawn as part of a round up, a group's monthly theme challenge, or an exchange. I just don't know if selling fan fiction flat out is a great plan.( obviously with them shutting down it didn't work) . I have no problem with Patreons, Ko-Fi tip jars etc as a way to monetarily compensate someone but I don't know maybe I'm old? Also now I wonder if there's HDTGM fanfic but I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to look. https://www.mic.com/articles/43885/kindle-worlds-amazon-to-sell-fanfiction-but-should-fanfic-writers-participate
  21. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I was just about to mention Amazon's Kindle Serial. One of my favorite authors (Seanan Mcguire ) did two books with the service and I would get chapters added to my book as she posted them. I was able to get the first book by the time it has been completed and then I think I was at the half way point for the second one. It was ... An interesting idea. Not for me because once I'm in a book ( and I'm always into her books) I want to gobble up the whole thing in one sitting. I'm the same with tv shows and go out of my way to not watch while it's on air so I can binge watch. Sadly it doesn't look like she will be writing a third because I really loved the series she was building. Also you can buy straight up fanfiction on Amazon now and I don't mean fanfic that's just had the names sloppily changed. Like full on fanfaction is for sale as I found out when I accidentally bought a bunch of "books" I thought were Veronica Mars books because the actual tie in books had just been released and I assumed Rob Thomas had passed on the writing to other people after the first 2 like a lot of tv show tie in books do. So that is somehow a thing. Is called Kindle Worlds and it's legal because they split royalties between the writer and the owners of the actual thing. It sounds really iffy when you look at it. Like who actually owns said work now and stuff. Also you only get like 20% or something.
  22. gigi-tastic

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    Knowing this monster was attached to Wonder Woman and Keanu breaks my heart.
  23. gigi-tastic

    Episode 221. The Hottie and the Nottie

    I remember when the actual movie came out and some tv show like Inside Edition did a piece on how it was hurtful and negatively affecting the albino community.
  24. gigi-tastic

    Episode 221. The Hottie and the Nottie

    We were robbed!